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Electrically responsive microreservoires for controllable delivery of dexamethasone in bone tissue engineering
IA Paun, M Zamfirescu, CR Luculescu, AM Acasandrei, CC Mustaciosu, ...
Applied Surface Science 392, 321-331, 2017
Femtosecond laser processing of chalcogenide glasses
A Velea, F Jipa, M Zamfirescu, R Dabu
Journal of Intense Pulsed Lasers and Applications in Advanced Physics 3, 27-36, 2013
Real-time adaptive optimization of laser induced nano ripples by laser pulse shaping
P Srisungsitthisunti, M Zamfirescu, LP Neagu, N Faure, R Stoian
Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing …, 2014
Génération de rides submicroniques à la surface d'un métal irradié par des impulsions lasers femtosecondes: Effets plasmoniques et hydrodynamiques
JP Colombier, P Brunet, E Bévillon, F Garrelie, R Stoian, C Albu, S Simion, ...
CFM 2013-21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2013
Single pulse near field study on a Co (3 nm)/Cu (6 nm)/Co (20 nm) multilayer structure by using a femtosecond laser
M Ulmeanu, F Jipa, C Luculescu, A Moldovan, M Zamfirescu
Applied Physics A 104, 839-843, 2011
Efficient Laser Emission under 880-nm Diode-Laser Pumping of Cladding Waveguides Inscribed in Nd: YVO4 by Femtosecond-Laser Writing Technique
N Pavel, G Salamu, F Jipa, M Zamfirescu
Advanced Solid State Lasers, ATu2A. 26, 2014
Control of ultrafast laser nanostructuring of glasses using temporal and spatial pulse design
R Stoian, K Mishchik, C Mauclair, PK Velpula, MK Bhuyan, JP Colombier, ...
Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity, and Poling in Glass Waveguides, BW2D. 6, 2014
Laser Emission from Diode-Pumped Nd: YAG Waveguides, Realized by Direct Femtosecond-Laser Writing Technique
N Pavel, G Salamu, F Jipa, M Zamfirescu
Advanced Solid State Lasers, ATu2A. 6, 2013
Control of ultrafast laser-induced nanopatterns in bulk silica glass
R Stoian, K Mishchik, C Mauclair, JP Colombier, M Zamfirescu, G Cheng
EUROMAT 2013, 2013
Materials micro-processing using femtosecond lasers
R Dabu, M Zamfirescu, I Anghel, F Jipa
ROMOPTO 2012: Tenth Conference on Optics: Micro-to Nanophotonics III 8882, 53-62, 2013
Investigation and control of ultrafast laser-induced nanoscale patterns in bulk dielectric materials
R Stoian, K Mishchik, C Mauclair, JP Colombier, M Zamfirescu, G Cheng
Advanced Laser Technologies ALT, 2012
Guidance of dermal cells distribution by laser-structured ormosils
LE Sima, EC Buruiana, T Buruiana, A Matei, G Epurescu, M Zamfirescu, ...
FEBS JOURNAL 279, 568-568, 2012
One- and two-photon induced emission in heterobimetallic Zn super (II)-Sm super (III) and Zn super (II)-Tb super (III) complexes with a side-off compartmental ligand
TD Pasatoiu, AM Madalan, M Zamfirescu, C Tiseanu, M Andruh
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (32), 11448-11456, 2012
Femtosecond laser ablation and structuring of a hard bi-layered coating
BM Gaković, C Radu, B Radak, M Zamfirescu, S Petrović, M Trtica, ...
Physical chemistry 2012: 11th international conference on fundamental and …, 2012
Tailoring the properties of hybrid methacrylates scaffolds produced via two photon polymerization
A Matei, M Zamfirescu, C Radu, T Buruiana, E Buruiana, C Mustaciosu, ...
2011 E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB), 1-4, 2011
Laser surface nanostructuring of platinum
M Zamfirescu, A Dinescu, F Craciunoiu, C Radu, R Stoian
CAS 2011 Proceedings (2011 International Semiconductor Conference) 1, 35-38, 2011
Millimeter wave metamaterial band-pass filter by femtosecond laser ablation
G Sajin, S Simion, F Craciunoiu, AC Bunea, A Dinescu, M Zamfirescu, ...
The 40th European Microwave Conference, 1393-1396, 2010
Femtosecond lasers: potential tools for manufacturing high-frequency negative refractive materials
R Dabu, M Zamfirescu, M Dumitru, I Anghel
Advanced Laser Technologies 2007 7022, 195-204, 2008
From evidence of strong light–matter coupling to polariton emission in GaN microcavities
IR Sellers, F Semond, M Zamfirescu, F Stokker‐Cheregi, P Disseix, ...
physica status solidi (b) 244 (6), 1882-1886, 2007
Processing of synthetic and natural diamond dies with AO Q-switched Nd: YAG laser
C Fenic, C Blanaru, O Pacala, A Stratan, R Dabu, M Zamfirescu, L Rusen, ...
Advanced Laser Technologies 2006 6606, 308-312, 2007
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Articles 1–20