Kristina Kasparian
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First language attrition induces changes in online morphosyntactic processing and re‐analysis: an ERP study of number agreement in complex Italian sentences
K Kasparian, F Vespignani, K Steinhauer
Cognitive science 41 (7), 1760-1803, 2017
When the second language takes the lead: Neurocognitive processing changes in the first language of adult attriters
K Kasparian, K Steinhauer
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 389, 2017
Hemispheric differences in figurative language processing: contributions of neuroimaging methods and challenges in reconciling current empirical findings
K Kasparian
Journal of Neurolinguistics 26 (1), 1-21, 2013
Are figurative interpretations of idioms directly retrieved, compositionally built, or both? Evidence from eye movement measures of reading.
D Titone, K Lovseth, K Kasparian, M Tiv
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2019
Confusing similar words: ERP correlates of lexical-semantic processing in first language attrition and late second language acquisition
K Kasparian, K Steinhauer
Neuropsychologia 93, 200-217, 2016
Brain plasticity in adulthood—ERP evidence for L1‐attrition in lexicon and morphosyntax after predominant L2 use
K Steinhauer, K Kasparian
Language Learning 70 (S2), 171-193, 2020
Acquisition of complement clitics and tense morphology in internationally adopted children acquiring French
K Gauthier, F Genesee, K Kasparian
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 15 (2), 304-319, 2012
The production of pronouns in Dutch children with developmental language disorders: A comparison between children with SLI, hearing impairment, and Down's syndrome
GW Bol, K Kasparian
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 23 (9), 631-646, 2009
Communication patterns between internationally adopted children and their mothers: Implications for language development
K Gauthier, F Genesee, ME Dubois, K Kasparian
Applied Psycholinguistics 34 (2), 337-359, 2013
The Case of the Non-native-like First-Language: Neurophysiological investigations of first-language attrition and second-language processing
K Kasparian
McGill University (Canada), 2015
On missed opportunities and convenient “truths.”
K Kasparian, K Steinhauer
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 7 (6), 709-714, 2017
Electrophysiological approaches to L1 attrition
K Steinhauer, K Kasparian
The case of a non-native-like first language: ERP evidence of first language (L1) attrition in lexical and morphosyntactic processing
K Kasparian, F Vespignani, K Steinhauer
International Journal of Psychophysiology 2 (94), 159-160, 2014
L1 grammar influences L2 processing: ERP evidence of transfer effects
N Bourguignon, K Kasparian, JE Drury, K Steinhauer
Proceedings of the Oral presentation at the 11th International Science of …, 2010
In my other language: An ERP study of Italian-English cognates and homographs in L1-attrition and L2-acquisition
K Kasparian, F Postiglione, K Steinhauer
PloS ONE, 0
Lexical-semantic processing of confusable words in first-language attrition and late second-language acquisition: An ERP study
K Kasparian, K Steinhauer
Neuropsychologia 93, 200-217, 2016
My Italian is not what it used to be: Investigating the neural correlates of L1 attrition and late L2 acquisition
K Kasparian, F Vespignani, K Steinhauer
Poster presented at the Workshop on Neurobilingualism, Groningen, The …, 2013
Investigating the neurocognitive correlates of L1 attrition: Changes in morphosyntactic processing
K Kasparian, F Vespignani, K Steinhauer
dimensions 23, 477-494, 2016
L1 grammar influences L2 processing: ERP evidence of transfer effects
K Steinhauer, JE Drury, N Bourguignon, K Kasparian
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (Suppl. 2010), 2010
ERP evidence for attrition in L1 lexicon and morpho-syntax
K Steinhauer, K Kasparian
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Articles 1–20