Diego Jorrat
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Cited by
Paid and hypothetical time preferences are the same: Lab, field and online evidence
P Brañas-Garza, D Jorrat, AM Espín, A Sánchez
Experimental Economics 26 (2), 412-434, 2023
Exposure to the COVID-19 pandemic environment and generosity
P Brañas-Garza, D Jorrat, A Alfonso, AM Espín, TG Muñoz, J Kovářík
Royal Society Open Science 9 (1), 210919, 2022
To pay or not to pay: Measuring risk preferences in lab and field
P Branas-Garza, L Estepa, D Jorrat, V Orozco-Olvera, ...
Judgment and Decision Making 16 (5), 1290–1313, 2021
Lab vs online experiments: No differences
B Prissé, D Jorrat
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 100, 101910, 2022
Evaluación de impacto de programas públicos de financiamiento sobre la innovación y la productividad: el caso de los servicios de software e informáticos de la Argentina
L Castro, D Jorrat
Documento de trabajo/working paper; no. 2013 (SS-IP)-06, 2013
The adventure of running experiments with teenagers
A Alfonso, P Brañas-Garza, D Jorrat, P Lomas, B Prissé, M Vasco, ...
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 106, 102048, 2023
How do subnational governments react to shocks to different revenue sources? Evidence from hydrocarbon-producing provinces in Argentina
M Besfamille, DA Jorrat, O Manzano, BF Quiroga, P Sanguinetti
Journal of Urban Economics 136, 103558, 2023
Hyper-altruistic behavior vanishes with high stakes
P Brañas-Garza, D Jorrat, J Kovářík, MC López
PloS One 16 (8), e0255668, 2021
Recruiting experimental subjects using WhatsApp
D Jorrat
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 90, 101644, 2021
The baking of preferences throughout the high school
A Alfonso Costillo, PE Brañas Garza, D Jorrat, B Prissé, VD Francisco, ...
Midiendo la paciencia
PE Brañas Garza, AM Espín, D Jorrat
Economía industrial, 21-31, 2019
Estudio de Caso del Programa Buenos Aires Emprende (baep) y las pyme de Servicios de Software e Informática (ssi) de Argentina
L Castro, D Jorrat, P Szenkman
Documento de trabajo/working paper; no. 2013 (SS-IP)-07, 2013
Un análisis preliminar de los posibles efectos económicos de la política de distritos de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. El caso del Distrito Tecnológico
L Castro, B Rubio, D Jorrat
Documento de trabajo 118, 2013
The effect of ambiguity in strategic environments: an experiment
P Brañas-Garza, A Cabrales, MP Espinosa, D Jorrat
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.11079, 2022
Parents' knowledge and predictions about the age of menarche: experimental evidence from Honduras
M Accerenzi, P Brañas-Garza, D Jorrat
Archives of Public Health 81 (1), 20, 2023
Vivienda y bienestar: diagnóstico y políticas en América Latina
C Goytia, D Jorrat, P Sanguinetti
Economic preferences and cognitive abilities among teenagers in Spain
M Vasco, A Alfonso, A Arenas, A Cabrales, JA Cuesta, AM Espín, ...
Scientific Data 12 (1), 7, 2025
No al gatillo fácil: Experimental evidence from a rational use of force police training program in argentina
D Jorrat, D Ortega, L Ronconi
Mimeo, 2018
The Political Economy of Education: A Framework and Some Hypotheses on the Feasibility of Reform
F Barrera-Osorio, A Paglayan, D Jorrat
World Bank Education Sector Strategy 2020, 2010
Paying£ 1 or nothing in dictator games: Unexpected differences
P Brañas-Garza, AM Espín, D Jorrat
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Articles 1–20