Liam Swiss
Cited by
Cited by
Resolving the Democracy Paradox: Democratization and Women’s Legislative Representation in Developing Nations, 1975 to 2009
KM Fallon, L Swiss, J Viterna
American Sociological Review 77 (3), 380-408, 2012
Does Critical Mass Matter? Women's Political Representation and Child Health in Developing Countries
L Swiss, KM Fallon, G Burgos
Social Forces 91 (2), 531-558, 2012
Father—Child contact after separation: The influence of living arrangements
L Swiss, C Le Bourdais
Journal of Family Issues 30 (5), 623-652, 2009
Peace Accords and the Adoption of Electoral Quotas for Women in the Developing World, 1990–2006
MJ Anderson, L Swiss
Politics and Gender 10 (1), 33-61, 2014
Which feminism (s)? For whom? Intersectionality in Canada’s feminist international assistance policy
SE Morton, J Muchiri, L Swiss
International Journal 75 (3), 329-348, 2020
The Adoption of women and gender as development assistance priorities: An event history analysis of world polity effects
L Swiss
International Sociology 27 (1), 96-119, 2012
Decoupling values from action: an event-history analysis of the election of women to parliament in the developing world, 1945—90
L Swiss
International Journal of Comparative Sociology 50 (1), 69-95, 2009
Donor proliferation to what ends? New donor countries and the search for legitimacy
N Gulrajani, L Swiss
Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d'études du …, 2019
Canada's Feminist International Assistance Policy: Game-Changer or Fig Leaf?
S Brown, L Swiss
How Ottawa Spends 2017-2018, 117-131, 2017
Gender, Security, and Instrumentalism: Canada’s Foreign Aid in Support of National Interest?
L Swiss
Struggling for Effectiveness: CIDA and Canadian Foreign Aid, 131-158, 2012
The development benefits of maternity leave
KM Fallon, A Mazar, L Swiss
World Development 96, 102-118, 2017
A sociology of foreign aid and the world society
L Swiss
Sociology Compass 10 (1), 65-73, 2016
The Hollow Ring of Donor Commitment: Country Concentration and the Decoupling of Aid-Effectiveness Norms from Donor Practice
S Brown, L Swiss
Development Policy Review 31 (6), 737-755, 2013
Why do countries become donors? Assessing the drivers and implications of donor proliferation
N Gulrajani, L Swiss, 2017
Foreign aid allocation from a network perspective: The effect of global ties
L Swiss
Social Science Research 63, 111-123, 2017
Security sector reform and development assistance: Explaining the diffusion of policy priorities among donor agencies
L Swiss
Qualitative Sociology 34, 371-393, 2011
The Globalization of Foreign Aid: Developing Consensus
L Swiss
Routledge, 2018
Women's transnational activism, norm cascades, and quota adoption in the developing world
L Swiss, KM Fallon
Politics & Gender 13 (3), 458-487, 2017
Earnings of immigrants in traditional and non-traditional destinations: a case study from Atlantic Canada
Y Sano, L Kaida, L Swiss
Journal of International Migration and Integration 18, 961-980, 2017
Membership Has Its Privileges: Shared International Organizational Affiliation and Foreign Aid Flows, 1978–2010
L Swiss, W Longhofer
Social Forces 94 (4), 1769-1793, 2016
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Articles 1–20