Jenny Lieu
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Cited by
Three sides to every story: Gender perspectives in energy transition pathways in Canada, Kenya and Spain
J Lieu, AH Sorman, OW Johnson, LD Virla, BP Resurrección
Energy Research & Social Science 68, 101550, 2020
Canada's Green New Deal: Forging the socio-political foundations of climate resilient infrastructure?
JL MacArthur, CE Hoicka, H Castleden, R Das, J Lieu
Energy Research & Social Science 65, 101442, 2020
The desirability of transitions in demand: Incorporating behavioural and societal transformations into energy modelling
A Nikas, J Lieu, A Sorman, A Gambhir, E Turhan, BV Baptista, H Doukas
Energy Research & Social Science 70, 101780, 2020
Evaluating consistency in environmental policy mixes through policy, stakeholder, and contextual interactions
J Lieu, NA Spyridaki, R Alvarez-Tinoco, W Van der Gaast, A Tuerk, ...
Sustainability 10 (6), 1896, 2018
Managing stakeholder knowledge for the evaluation of innovation systems in the face of climate change
A Nikas, H Doukas, J Lieu, R Alvarez Tinoco, V Charisopoulos, ...
Journal of Knowledge Management 21 (5), 1013-1034, 2017
Design of the incentive mechanism in electricity auction market based on the signaling game theory
Z Liu, X Zhang, J Lieu
Energy 35 (4), 1813-1819, 2010
On the discovery and enactment of positive socio-ecological tipping points: insights from energy systems interventions in Bangladesh and Indonesia
JD Tàbara, J Lieu, R Zaman, C Ismail, T Takama
Sustainability Science, 1-7, 2021
Contested energy futures, conflicted rewards? Examining low-carbon transition risks and governance dynamics in China's built environment
L Song, J Lieu, A Nikas, A Arsenopoulos, G Vasileiou, H Doukas
Energy Research & Social Science 59, 101306, 2020
The importance of stakeholders in scoping risk assessments—Lessons from low-carbon transitions
O Van Vliet, S Hanger-Kopp, A Nikas, E Spijker, H Carlsen, H Doukas, ...
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 35, 400-413, 2020
Understanding risks and uncertainties in energy and climate policy: Multidisciplinary methods and tools for a low carbon society
H Doukas, A Flamos, J Lieu
Springer Nature, 2019
Narratives of Low-Carbon Transitions
S Hanger-Kopp, J Lieu, A Nikas
Taylor & Francis, 2019
Assessing risks of low-carbon transition pathways
J Lieu, S Hanger-Kopp, O van Vliet, AH Sorman
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 35, 261-270, 2020
Research on the decomposition model for China’s National Renewable Energy total target
Z Liu, Y Shi, J Yan, X Ou, J Lieu
Energy policy 51, 110-120, 2012
Going beyond the AHA! moment: insight discovery for transdisciplinary research and learning
BBJ Pearce, L Deutsch, P Fry, FF Marafatto, J Lieu
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9 (1), 1-10, 2022
Methodology to identify demand-side low-carbon innovations and their potential impact on socio-technical energy systems
CE Hoicka, RR Das, Y Zhao, ML McMaster, J Lieu, S Wyse
MethodsX 8, 101295, 2021
Study on a simple model to forecast the electricity demand under China’s new normal situation
J Lin, K Zhu, Z Liu, J Lieu, X Tan
Energies 12 (11), 2220, 2019
“Consensus Building in Engagement Processes” for Reducing Risks in Developing Sustainable Pathways: Indigenous Interest as Core Elements of Engagement
J Lieu, LD Virla, R Abel, C Fitzpatrick
Understanding Risks and Uncertainties in Energy and Climate Policy 55, 2019
Risk blindness in local perspectives about the Alberta oil sands hinders Canada's decarbonization
LD Virla, DJ van de Ven, J Sampedro, O van Vliet, A Smith, H Pollitt, ...
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 40, 569-585, 2021
Framing risks and uncertainties associated with low-carbon pathways
S Hanger-Kopp, A Nikas, J Lieu
Narratives of Low-Carbon Transitions, 10-22, 2019
Potentials and barriers to land-based mitigation technologies and practices (LMTs)—a review
L Karki, J Lieu, M Xylia, M Laub, D Ismangil, L Virla, E Rahn, BA Bilbao, ...
Environmental Research Letters 18 (9), 093003, 2023
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Articles 1–20