Nicholas Mitsakakis
Nicholas Mitsakakis
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute
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Cited by
Exploration of essential gene functions via titratable promoter alleles
S Mnaimneh, AP Davierwala, J Haynes, J Moffat, WT Peng, W Zhang, ...
Cell 118 (1), 31-44, 2004
Ultrasound assessment of gastric content and volume
A Perlas, VWS Chan, CM Lupu, N Mitsakakis, A Hanbidge
Anesthesiology 111 (1), 82-89, 2009
Validation of a mathematical model for ultrasound assessment of gastric volume by gastroscopic examination
A Perlas, N Mitsakakis, L Liu, M Cino, N Haldipur, L Davis, J Cubillos, ...
Anesthesia & Analgesia 116 (2), 357-363, 2013
The functional landscape of mouse gene expression
W Zhang, QD Morris, R Chang, O Shai, MA Bakowski, N Mitsakakis, ...
Journal of biology 3, 1-22, 2004
Gastric sonography in the fasted surgical patient: a prospective descriptive study
A Perlas, L Davis, M Khan, N Mitsakakis, VWS Chan
Anesthesia & Analgesia 113 (1), 93-97, 2011
A panoramic view of yeast noncoding RNA processing
WT Peng, MD Robinson, S Mnaimneh, NJ Krogan, G Cagney, Q Morris, ...
Cell 113 (7), 919-933, 2003
Preoperative use of statins is associated with reduced early delirium rates after cardiac surgery
R Katznelson, GN Djaiani, MA Borger, Z Friedman, SE Abbey, L Fedorko, ...
Anesthesiology 110 (1), 67-73, 2009
Acute surgical anemia influences the cardioprotective effects of β-blockade: a single-center, propensity-matched cohort study
WS Beattie, DN Wijeysundera, K Karkouti, S McCluskey, G Tait, ...
Anesthesiology 112 (1), 25-33, 2010
The effect of cardiac rehabilitation on health-related quality of life in patients with coronary artery disease: a meta-analysis
T Francis, N Kabboul, V Rac, N Mitsakakis, P Pechlivanoglou, J Bielecki, ...
Canadian Journal of Cardiology 35 (3), 352-364, 2019
Adding gabapentin to a multimodal regimen does not reduce acute pain, opioid consumption or chronic pain after total hip arthroplasty
H Clarke, S Pereira, D Kennedy, J Andrion, N Mitsakakis, J Gollish, J Katz, ...
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 53 (8), 1073-1083, 2009
Metoprolol reduces cerebral tissue oxygen tension after acute hemodilution in rats
TE Ragoonanan, WS Beattie, CD Mazer, AKY Tsui, H Leong-Poi, ...
Anesthesiology 111 (5), 988-1000, 2009
Pressure ulcer multidisciplinary teams via telemedicine: a pragmatic cluster randomized stepped wedge trial in long term care
A Stern, N Mitsakakis, M Paulden, S Alibhai, J Wong, G Tomlinson, ...
BMC health services research 14, 1-13, 2014
Spatial and temporal mapping of heterogeneity in liposome uptake and microvascular distribution in an orthotopic tumor xenograft model
SN Ekdawi, JMP Stewart, M Dunne, S Stapleton, N Mitsakakis, YN Dou, ...
Journal of Controlled Release 207, 101-111, 2015
Gabapentin reduces preoperative anxiety and pain catastrophizing in highly anxious patients prior to major surgery: a blinded randomized placebo-controlled trial
H Clarke, KR Kirkham, BA Orser, R Katznelson, N Mitsakakis, R Ko, ...
Springer, 2013
Delirium following vascular surgery: increased incidence with preoperative [beta]-blocker administration
R Katznelson, G Djaiani, Z Friedman, M Wasowicz, WS Beattie
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 56 (11), 793, 2009
The promise of functional genomics: completing the encyclopedia of a cell
TR Hughes, MD Robinson, N Mitsakakis, M Johnston
Current opinion in microbiology 7 (5), 546-554, 2004
Resolving bipolar electrogram voltages during atrial fibrillation using omnipolar mapping
SK Haldar, K Magtibay, A Porta-Sanchez, S Massé, N Mitsakakis, PFH Lai, ...
Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 10 (9), e005018, 2017
Net costs of hospital-acquired and pre-admission PUs among older people hospitalised in Ontario
B Chan, L Ieraci, N Mitsakakis, B Pham, M Krahn
Journal of Wound Care 22 (7), 341-346, 2013
A population-based study to evaluate the effectiveness of multidisciplinary heart failure clinics and identify important service components
HC Wijeysundera, G Trubiani, X Wang, N Mitsakakis, PC Austin, DT Ko, ...
Circulation: Heart Failure 6 (1), 68-75, 2013
Epidural analgesia provides better pain management after live liver donation: a retrospective study
H Clarke, T Chandy, C Srinivas, S Ladak, N Okubo, N Mitsakakis, ...
Liver Transplantation 17 (3), 315-323, 2011
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Articles 1–20