Christopher Hoy
Christopher Hoy
World Bank
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Estimates of the Impact of COVID-19 on Global Poverty
A Sumner, C Hoy, E Ortiz-Juarez
United Nations University WIDER working paper, 2020
Projecting progress: Reaching the SDGs by 2030
S Nicolai, C Hoy, T Berliner, T Aedy
Overseas Development Institute Report, 2015
Why Are Relatively Poor People Not More Supportive of Redistribution? Evidence from a Randomized Survey Experiment across 10 Countries
C Hoy, F Mager
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2021
Financing the future: How to fund the SDGs
R Greenhill, P Carter, C Hoy, M Manuel
Overseas Development Institute Report, 2015
How information about inequality impacts belief in meritocracy: Evidence from a randomized survey experiment in Australia, Indonesia and Mexico
JJB Mijs, C Hoy
Social Problems 69 (1), 91-122, 2022
Global poverty and inequality: Is there new capacity for redistribution in developing countries?
C Hoy, A Sumner
Journal of Globalization and Development 7 (1), 117-157, 2016
Improving tax compliance without increasing revenue? Evidence from a population-wide randomized controlled trial in Papua New Guinea
C Hoy, L McKenzie, M Sinning
Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2024
What if growth had been as good for the poor as everyone else
C Hoy, E Samman
Overseas Development Institute Working Paper, 2015
Zero poverty, zero emissions: eradicating extreme poverty in the climate crisis
I Granoff, J Eis, W McFarland, C Hoy, C Watson, G de Battista, C Marijs, ...
Overseas Development Institute Report, 2015
Measuring global poverty before and during the pandemic: a political economy of overoptimism
A Sumner, E Ortiz-Juarez, C Hoy
Third World Quarterly 43 (1), 1-17, 2022
Addressing vaccine hesitancy in developing countries: Survey and experimental evidence
C Hoy, T Wood, E Moscoe
Plos one 17 (11), 2022
How does progressivity impact tax morale? Experimental evidence across developing countries
C Hoy
Journal of Development Economics, 103398, 2025
Helping us or helping them? What makes foreign aid popular with donor publics?
T Wood, C Hoy
Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2022
The End of Global Poverty: Is the UN Sustainable Development Goal 1 (Still) Achievable?
A Sumner, C Hoy
Global Policy, 2021
Progress under scrutiny: Poverty reduction in Pakistan
A Khan, A Naveed, E Samman, MB Sarwar, C Hoy
Overseas Development Institute Working Paper, 2015
The effect of geostrategic competition on public attitudes to aid
T Wood, C Hoy, J Pryke
Journal of Experimental Political Science 8 (3), 285-295, 2021
American Exceptionalism?: Differences in the Elasticity of Preferences for Redistribution Between the United States and Western Europe
C Hoy, F Mager
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2021
Poverty and the pandemic in the Pacific
C Hoy
Asian Development Bank, 2020
A false divide? Providing information about inequality aligns preferences for redistribution between right-and left-wing voters
C Hoy, R Toth, N Merdikawati
The Journal of Economic Inequality, 1-39, 2024
Intra-Household Dynamics and Attitudes toward Vaccines: Experimental Evidence from Zambia
C Hoy, R Kanagavel, C Cameron
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2022
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Articles 1–20