Margaret McKee
Margaret McKee
Associate Professor, Saint Mary's University
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Cited by
Transformational leadership and psychological well-being: the mediating role of meaningful work.
KA Arnold, N Turner, J Barling, EK Kelloway, MC McKee
Journal of occupational health psychology 12 (3), 193, 2007
Restorying a culture of ethical and spiritual values: A role for leader storytelling
C Driscoll, M McKee
Journal of business ethics 73, 205-217, 2007
Positive leadership and employee well-being
EK Kelloway, H Weigand, MC Mckee, H Das
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 20 (1), 107-117, 2013
Exploring linkages among transformational leadership, workplace spirituality and well-being in health care workers
MC McKee, C Driscoll, EK Kelloway, E Kelley
Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion 8 (3), 233-255, 2011
Institutional field of dreams: Exploring the AACSB and the new legitimacy of Canadian business schools
MC McKee, AJ Mills, T Weatherbee
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2005
Making sense of workplace spirituality: Towards a new methodology
MC McKee, JH Mills, C Driscoll
Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion 5 (2), 190-210, 2008
Room for improvement: Using GRI principles to explore potential for advancing PRME SIP reporting
C Hervieux, M McKee, C Driscoll
The International Journal of Management Education 15 (2), 219-237, 2017
Creating stabilizers and safety nets for successor executives' high‐wire act
MC McKee, C Driscoll
Nonprofit Management and Leadership 18 (3), 341-357, 2008
An assessment of sustainability integration and communication in Canadian MBA programs
C Driscoll, S Price, M McKee, J Nicholls
Journal of academic ethics 15, 93-114, 2017
The “learning service: Of service-learning: An exploratory study in a business ethics course context
C Driscoll, MC McKee, ST Price
Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics 14 (1), 2017
Taking the bad with the good: The buffering effect of positive social exchanges on aggression in care worker–resident relationships.
JHK Wong, EK Kelloway, J Godin, MC McKee, A McInnis
Psychology of violence 9 (2), 177, 2019
Transformational leadership, workplace spirituality and employee well-being: a mixed method study
MC McKee
Halifax, NS: Saint Mary's University, 2008
Community-based service learning: Serving student and community engagement
C Driscoll, M McKee, S Price
Workplace Review, 34-44, 2014
Soul conflict in the workplace: Exploring the extension of the theoretical models
C Driscoll, M Mckee, M Saint, T Moore
Proceedings of the 2008 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual …, 2008
Creating a satisfying spiritual work environment through transformational leadership
MC McKee
Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Toronto, ON, 2005
The study of ethical leadership: Emerging issues
MC McKee
International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER) 3 (11), 2004
Mapping SDGs in Sub-Saharan Africa: Highlighting System Effects
C Hervieux, MC McKee
Social Impact Measurement for a Sustainable Future: The Power of Aesthetics …, 2021
Examining the Business Ethics Training and Development Practices of Canadian Organizations: Preliminary Evidence from Top Companies
WR Carroll, MC McKee, C Driscoll, TH Wagar
Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22, 4-12, 2011
Workplace Spirituality
The Workplace Review, 2006
Hope Blooms: Marketing a Social Enterprise After Dragon's Den
M McKee, E Pancer, C Hervieux
Richard Ivey School of Business, Western University, 2016
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Articles 1–20