Paul T. P. Wong
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Cited by
When people ask" why" questions, and the heuristics of attributional search.
PT Wong, B Weiner
Journal of personality and social psychology 40 (4), 650, 1981
The human quest for meaning: Theories, research, and applications
PTP Wong
Routledge, 2013
Aging as an individual process: Toward a theory of personal meaning
GT Reker
Emergent theories of aging/Springer, 1988
Death Attitude Profile—Revised: A multidimensional measure of attitudes toward death
PTR Wong, GT Reker, G Gesser
Death anxiety handbook: Research, instrumentation, and application, 121-148, 2015
Positive psychology 2.0: towards a balanced interactive model of the good life.
PTP Wong
Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne 52 (2), 69, 2011
A conceptual framework for measuring servant-leadership
TP Wong, D Page
The Human Factor in Shaping the Course of History and Development …, 2000
Meaning and purpose in life and well-being: A life-span perspective
GT Reker, EJ Peacock, PTP Wong
Journal of gerontology 42 (1), 44-49, 1987
The stress appraisal measure (SAM): A multidimensional approach to cognitive appraisal
EJ Peacock, PTP Wong
Stress medicine 6 (3), 227-236, 1990
Implicit theories of meaningful life and the development of the personal meaning profile
PTP Wong
The human quest for meaning: A handbook of psychological research and …, 1998
Multidimensional jealousy
SM Pfeiffer, PTP Wong
Journal of social and personal relationships 6 (2), 181-196, 1989
A cross-national comparative study of work-family stressors, working hours, and well-being: China and Latin America versus the Anglo world
PE Spector, CL Cooper, S Poelmans, TD Allen, M O’driscoll, JI Sanchez, ...
International Human Resource Management, 257-277, 2017
What types of reminiscence are associated with successful aging?
PT Wong, LM Watt
Psychology and aging 6 (2), 272, 1991
Death attitudes across the life-span: The development and validation of the Death Attitude Profile (DAP)
G Gesser, PTP Wong, GT Reker
OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying 18 (2), 113-128, 1988
Locus of control and well-being at work: how generalizable are western findings?
PE Spector, CL Cooper, JI Sanchez, M O'Driscoll, K Sparks, P Bernin, ...
Academy of management journal 45 (2), 453-466, 2002
Servant leadership: An opponent-process model and the revised servant leadership profile
PTP Wong, D Page
Proceedings of the servant leadership research roundtable 1 (11), 1-13, 2003
Handbook of multicultural perspectives on stress and coping
PTP Wong, LCJ Wong
Springer, 2006
Meaning therapy: An integrative and positive existential psychotherapy
PTP Wong
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 40 (2), 85-93, 2010
Best Practices in Servant Leadership
P Wong
Servant leadership research roundtable/Regent University, 2007
Personal meaning and successful aging.
PT Wong
Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne 30 (3), 516, 1989
Toward a dual-systems model of what makes life worth living
PTP Wong
The human quest for meaning, 3-22, 2013
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Articles 1–20