Sean Smith
Sean Smith
Professor of Computer Science, Dartmouth College
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Cited by
Building a high-performance, programmable secure coprocessor
SW Smith, S Weingart
Computer Networks 31 (8), 831-860, 1999
Building the IBM 4758 secure coprocessor
JG Dyer, M Lindemann, R Perez, R Sailer, L Van Doorn, SW Smith
Computer 34 (10), 57-66, 2001
Guided self-help for functional (psychogenic) symptoms: a randomized controlled efficacy trial
M Sharpe, J Walker, C Williams, J Stone, J Cavanagh, G Murray, I Butcher, ...
Neurology 77 (6), 564-572, 2011
Trusted paths for browsers
Z Ye, S Smith, D Anthony
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 8 (2), 153-186, 2005
Authenticated electronic coupon issuing and redemption
CC Palmer, ER Palmer, SW Smith
US Patent 6,505,773, 2003
Respiratory epithelial cell invasion by group B streptococci
CE Rubens, S Smith, M Hulse, EY Chi, G Van Belle
Infection and immunity 60 (12), 5157-5163, 1992
Reputation and reliability in collective goods: The case of the online encyclopedia Wikipedia
D Anthony, SW Smith, T Williamson
Rationality and society 21 (3), 283-306, 2009
Blacklistable anonymous credentials: blocking misbehaving users without TTPs
PP Tsang, MH Au, A Kapadia, SW Smith
Proceedings of the 14th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2007
Radioprotective agents to prevent cellular damage due to ionizing radiation
TA Smith, DR Kirkpatrick, S Smith, TK Smith, T Pearson, A Kailasam, ...
Journal of translational medicine 15, 1-18, 2017
Securely downloading and executing code from mutually suspicious authorities
SW Smith, SH Weingart
US Patent 6,167,521, 2000
Attribute-Based Publishing with Hidden Credentials and Hidden Policies.
A Kapadia, PP Tsang, SW Smith
NDSS 7, 179-192, 2007
Trusted computing platforms: design and applications
SW Smith
Springer, 2013
Adherence of group B streptococci to cultured epithelial cells: roles of environmental factors and bacterial surface components
GS Tamura, JM Kuypers, S Smith, H Raff, CE Rubens
Infection and immunity 62 (6), 2450-2458, 1994
Using a high-performance, programmable secure coprocessor
SW Smith, ER Palmer, S Weingart
Financial Cryptography: Second International Conference, FC'98 Anguilla …, 1998
Practical server privacy with secure coprocessors
SW Smith, D Safford
IBM Systems Journal 40 (3), 683-695, 2001
Aggregated path authentication for efficient BGP security
M Zhao, SW Smith, DM Nicol
Proceedings of the 12th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2005
Transaction authentication over independent network
SE Smith, TL Davis
US Patent App. 12/288,660, 2009
Nymble: Anonymous IP-address blocking
PC Johnson, A Kapadia, PP Tsang, SW Smith
Privacy Enhancing Technologies: 7th International Symposium, PET 2007 Ottawa …, 2007
Smart cards in hostile environments
H Gobioff, S Smith, JD Tygar, B Yee
Carnegie-Mellon University. Department of Computer Science, 1995
Nymble: Blocking misbehaving users in anonymizing networks
PP Tsang, A Kapadia, C Cornelius, SW Smith
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 8 (2), 256-269, 2009
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Articles 1–20