Carmen Hull
Carmen Hull
Assistant Professor, Northeastern University
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Cited by
Building with data: Architectural models as inspiration for data physicalization
C Hull, W Willett
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
Generative Design Inspiration for Glyphs with Diatoms
M Brehmer, R Kosara, C Hull
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.09015, 2021
One Week in the Future: Previs Design Futuring for HCI Research
A Ivanov, T Au Yeung, K Blair, K Danyluk, G Freeman, M Friedel, C Hull, ...
Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2022
Data tectonics: A framework for building physical and immersive data representations
C Hull, W Willett
IEEE computer graphics and applications 38 (5), 11-17, 2018
SurfaceMusic: Mapping Virtual Touch-based Instruments to Physical Models.
L Fyfe, S Lynch, C Hull, S Carpendale
NIME, 360-363, 2010
Simultaneous worlds: Supporting fluid exploration of multiple data sets via physical models
C Hull, S Knudsen, S Carpendale, W Willett
Graphics Interface 2022, 2022
Simulaneous worlds: Using physical models to contextualize and compose visualisations
C Hull, W Willett, S Carpendale
IEEE VIS Poster, 2018
Data Visualization as a Communication Tool in the Earth and Space Sciences II Oral
ER Hankin, M Subbarao, F Samsel, C Hull, G Pavur
AGU24, 2024
Building with Data: Bridging Architectural Design Practices and Information Visualization
C Hull
VISAP 2020
E Brunvand, YC Han, C Hull
Amplifying the Message of Scientists through new perspectives on climate visualization.
C Hull, F Samsel
AGU24, 0
Till Nagel–Mannheim University of Applied Sciences tillnagel. com Maria Lantin–Emily Carr University Art+ Design marialantin. com Yoon Chung Han–San Jose State University
D Ahmedien, Y Ahn, BA Aseniero, A Autuori, E Aversa, A Benedetti, ...
VISAP 2020 Overview
E Brunvand, YC Han, C Hull
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Articles 1–13