Ali Safari Mamaghani
Ali Safari Mamaghani
PhD in Artificial Intelligence, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
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Cited by
Clustering of software systems using new hybrid algorithms
AS Mamaghani, MR Meybodi
2009 Ninth IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information …, 2009
A novel evolutionary algorithm for solving static data allocation problem in distributed database systems
AS Mamaghani, M Mahi, MR Meybodi, MH Moghaddam
2010 Second International Conference on Network Applications, Protocols and …, 2010
Structural Optimization of Fuzzy Rule-based Models: Towards Efficient Complexity Management
AS Mamaghani, W Pedrycz
Expert Systems with applications, 2020
Software modularization using the modified firefly algorithm
AS Mamaghani, M Hajizadeh
2014 8th. Malaysian Software Engineering Conference (MySEC), 321-324, 2014
Solving the Quadratic Assignment Problem with the modified hybrid PSO algorithm
AS Mamaghani, MR Meybodi
2012 6th International Conference on Application of Information and …, 2012
A learning automaton based approach for data fragments allocation in distributed database systems
AS Mamaghani, M Mahi, MR Meybodi
2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information …, 2010
An application of imperialist competitive algorithm to solve the quadratic assignment problem
AS Mamaghani, MR Meybodi
2011 International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured …, 2011
An evolutionary algorithm for query optimization in database
K Asghari, AS Mamaghani, MR Meybodi
Innovative Techniques in Instruction Technology, E-learning, E-assessment …, 2008
An evolutionary approach for query optimization problem in database
K Asghari, AS Mamaghani, MR Meybodi
Proc. of Int. Joint Conf. on Computers, Information and System Sciences, and …, 2007
Genetic-Programming Based Architecture of Fuzzy Modeling: Towards Coping with HighDimensional Data
AS Mamaghani, W Pedrycz
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2020
A novel hybrid algorithm for join ordering problem in database queries
AS Mamaghani, K Asghari, F Mahmoudi, MR Meybodi
Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS Int. Conference on Computational Intelligence …, 2007
Gennape: Towards generalized neural architecture performance estimators
KG Mills, FX Han, J Zhang, F Chudak, AS Mamaghani, M Salameh, W Lu, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (8), 9190-9199, 2023
A learning automaton based approach to solve the graph bandwidth minimization problem
AS Mamaghani, MR Meybodi
2011 5th International Conference on Application of Information and …, 2011
Designing a New Structure Based on Learning Automaton to Improve Evolutionary Algorithms (With Considering Some Case Study Problems)
A Safari Mamaghani, K Asghari, MR Meybodi
Journal of Advances in Computer Research 4 (3), 1-24, 2013
Hybrid evolutionary algorithms for solving software clustering problem
AS Mamaghani, MR Meybodi
Proceedings of the second Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, 2008
Hybrid algorithms (learning automata+ genetic algorithm) for solving graph bandwidth minimization problem
AS Mamaghani, MR Meybodi
Proceedings of the second Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, 2008
A relational databases query optimization using hybrid evolutionary algorithm
K Asghari, MA SAFARI, F Mahmoudi
VIRTUAL 1 (1), 25-37, 2001
Relational Databases Query Optimization using Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm
A Safari Mamaghani, K Asghari, F Mahmoudi, MR Meybodi
Journal of Computer & Robotics 1 (1), 2010
Guarding Strategic Points of a Gallery
MH Moghaddam, A Bagheri, AS Mamaghani, ST Afshord
2009 International Conference on Computer Technology and Development 1, 121-124, 2009
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Articles 1–19