Lorna Ferguson
Lorna Ferguson
Banting Postdoctoral Researcher, Memorial University of Newfoundland
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Cited by
#Missing to #Found: Exploring police Twitter use for missing persons investigations
L Ferguson, V Soave
Police Practice and Research 22 (1), 869-885, 2021
Incidence of wrong-site surgery list errors for a 2-year period in a single National health service board
A Geraghty, L Ferguson, C McIlhenny, P Bowie
Journal of Patient Safety 16 (1), 79-83, 2020
Shedding light on the dark figure of police mental health calls for service
J Koziarski, L Ferguson, L Huey
Policing: a journal of policy and practice 16 (4), 696-706, 2022
The “power few” of missing persons’ cases
L Huey, L Ferguson, L Kowalski
Policing: An International Journal 43 (2), 360-374, 2020
The Limits of Our Knowledge: Tracking the Size and Scope of Police Involvement with Persons with Mental Illness
L Huey, L Ferguson, A Vaughan
Royal Society of Canada, 2021
‘Going Missing’ as a Maladaptive Coping Behavior for Adults Experiencing Strain
L Huey, L Ferguson
Deviant Behavior, 1-13, 2020
Examining the connection between missing persons and victimization: An application of lifestyle exposure theory
L Ferguson, M Elliott, S Kim
Crime & delinquency 69 (3), 656-681, 2023
“Did Not Return in Time for Curfew”: A Descriptive Analysis of Homeless Missing Persons Cases
L Huey, L Ferguson
International Criminal Justice Review, 1-15, 2020
Repeat or chronic?: Examining police data accuracy across the ‘history’ classifications of missing person cases
L Ferguson, W Picknell
Policing and Society, 1-15, 2021
Training police search and rescue teams: Implications for missing persons work
L Ferguson, JE Gaub
Criminology & criminal justice 23 (3), 431-449, 2023
Who is reported missing from Canadian hospitals and mental health units?
L Ferguson, L Huey
Policing: An International Journal 43 (3), 525-540, 2020
The irrationalities of rationality in police data processes
L Huey, L Ferguson, J Koziarski
Policing and Society 32 (8), 947-962, 2022
Profiling persons reported missing from hospitals versus mental health facilities
L Ferguson
International Journal of Police Science & Management 23 (4), 372-384, 2021
Police responses to cold and long-term missing person cases: a comparative study
K Bennett, L Ferguson
International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 48 (1), 53-73, 2024
The wicked problems of police reform in Canada
L Huey, L Ferguson, JL Schulenberg
Routledge, 2022
Risk factors and missing persons: advancing an understanding of ‘risk’
L Ferguson
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9 (1), 101, 2022
Exploring the roles and function of police search and rescue teams in Canadian agencies
L Ferguson, JE Gaub, L Huey
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 15 (3), 1701-1712, 2021
What Do We Know About Firearms in Canada?: A Systematic Scoping Review
L Ferguson, J Koziarski
Sociology Publications, 2019
What Do We Know About Senior Citizens As Cybervictims? A Rapid Evidence Synthesis
L Huey, L Ferguson
Sociology Publications 53, 1-31, 2021
How far do they go?: A spatial examination of missing persons from hospitals
L Ferguson, J Koziarski
Policing: An International Journal 45 (2), 235-251, 2022
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Articles 1–20