Hassen Allegue
Hassen Allegue
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
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Robustness of linear mixed‐effects models to violations of distributional assumptions
H Schielzeth, NJ Dingemanse, S Nakagawa, DF Westneat, H Allegue, ...
Methods in ecology and evolution 11 (9), 1141-1152, 2020
Statistical Quantification of Individual Differences (SQuID): an educational and statistical tool for understanding multilevel phenotypic data in linear mixed models
H Allegue, YG Araya‐Ajoy, NJ Dingemanse, NA Dochtermann, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (2), 257-267, 2017
Collision between biological process and statistical analysis revealed by mean centring
DF Westneat, YG Araya‐Ajoy, H Allegue, B Class, N Dingemanse, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (12), 2813-2824, 2020
Robustness of linear mixed-effects models to violations of distributional assumptions. Methods Ecol Evol 11: 1141–1152
H Schielzeth, NJ Dingemanse, S Nakagawa, DF Westneat, H Allegue, ...
Harbour seals responded differently to pulses of out-migrating coho and Chinook smolts
H Allegue, AC Thomas, Y Liu, AW Trites
Marine Ecology Progress Series 647, 211-227, 2020
Data on the diets of Salish Sea harbour seals from DNA metabarcoding
AC Thomas, B Deagle, C Nordstrom, S Majewski, BW Nelson, ...
Scientific data 9 (1), 68, 2022
Describing posterior distributions of variance components: Problems and the use of null distributions to aid interpretation
JL Pick, C Kasper, H Allegue, NJ Dingemanse, NA Dochtermann, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14 (10), 2557-2574, 2023
Indirect genetic and environmental effects on behaviors, morphology, and life-history traits in a wild Eastern chipmunk population
F Santostefano, H Allegue, D Garant, P Bergeron, D Réale
Evolution 75 (6), 1492-1512, 2021
Sex, body size, and boldness shape the seasonal foraging habitat selection in southern elephant seals
H Allegue, C Guinet, SC Patrick, MA Hindell, CR McMahon, D Réale
Ecology and Evolution 12 (1), e8457, 2022
Track and dive-based movement metrics do not predict the number of prey encountered by a marine predator
H Allegue, D Réale, B Picard, C Guinet
Movement Ecology 11 (1), 3, 2023
Robustness of linear mixed-effects models to violations of distributional assumptions. Methods Ecol Evol. 2020; 11: 1141–1152
H Schielzeth, NJ Dingemanse, S Nakagawa, DF Westneat, H Allegue, ...
Variability of harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) foraging behaviour during out-migrations of salmon smolts
H Allegue
University of British Columbia, 2017
Among‐individual behavioral responses to predation risk are invariant within two species of freshwater snails
BJ Toscano, H Allegue, NJ Gownaris, M Drausnik, Z Yung, D Bauloye, ...
Ethology 129 (6), 269-279, 2023
Predation risk elicits a negative relationship between boldness and growth in Helisoma snails
BJ Toscano, H Allegue, D Bauloye, M Drausnik, P Orloff
Behavioral Ecology 35 (5), arae063, 2024
Offspring sex ratio increases with paternal reproductive success in a colony of southern elephant seals
H Allegue, C Guinet, SC Patrick, C Ribout, C Bichet, O Lepais, D Réale
Marine Mammal Science, 2024
The role of individual differences in the ecology of the southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina)
H Allegue
Université du Québec à Montréal, 2023
Offspring sex ratio increases with male reproductive success in the polygynous southern elephant seals
H Allegue, C Guinet, SC Patrick, C Ribout, C Bichet, O Lepais, D Réale
EcoEvoRxiv, 2022
Package ‘squid’
H Allegue, YG Araya-Ajoy, NJ Dingemanse, NA Dochtermann
F Santostefano, H Allegue, D Garant, P Bergeron, D Réale
Novel approaches for assessing predation impacts of seals and herons on juvenile salmon
AW Trites, A Thomas, ZT Sherker, H Allegue
Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, 0
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