Elahe Jabari, PhD
Elahe Jabari, PhD
Professor and Program Coordinator in Additive Manufacturing at Conestoga College
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Cited by
Opportunities and challenges in additive manufacturing of functionally graded metallic materials via powder-fed laser directed energy deposition: A review
M Ansari, E Jabari, E Toyserkani
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 294, 117117, 2021
Micro-scale aerosol-jet printing of graphene interconnects
E Jabari, E Toyserkani
Carbon 91, 321-329, 2015
Aerosol-Jet printing of highly flexible and conductive graphene/silver patterns
E Jabari, E Toyserkani
Materials Letters 174, 40-43, 2016
Drop-on-demand high-speed 3D printing of flexible milled carbon fiber/silicone composite sensors for wearable biomonitoring devices
E Davoodi, H Fayazfar, F Liravi, E Jabari, E Toyserkani
Additive Manufacturing 32, 101016, 2020
Single-step synthesis of graphene quantum dots by femtosecond laser ablation of graphene oxide dispersions
P Russo, R Liang, E Jabari, E Marzbanrad, E Toyserkani, YN Zhou
Nanoscale 8 (16), 8863-8877, 2016
2D printing of graphene: a review
E Jabari, F Ahmad, F Liravi, E B.Secor, L Lin, E Toyserkani
2D Materials 6, 2019
High speed 3D material-jetting additive manufacturing of viscous graphene-based ink with high electrical conductivity
E Jabari, F Liravi, E Davoodi, L Lin, E Toyserkani
Addittive Manufacturing, 101330, 2020
Non-planar interconnects in double-sided flexible Cu-PET substrates using a laser-assisted maskless microdeposition process: 3D finite element modeling and experimental analysis
E Jabari, S Tong, A Azhari, E Toyserkani
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 54, 117-127, 2014
A binder jet 3D printed MXene composite for strain sensing and energy storage application
T Li, T Chen, X Shen, E Jabari, H Naguib
Journal of Nanoscale Advances, 2022
Laser heat treatment of aerosol-jet additive manufactured graphene patterns
E Jabari, E Toyserkani
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (37), 2015
Highly conductive graphene paper for flexible electronics applications
K Karimi, E Jabari, E Toyserkani, P Lee-Sullivan
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29, 2537-2549, 2018
Review of additive manufacturing with 2D MXene: techniques, applications, and future perspectives
T Li, E Jabari, K McLellan, HE Naguib
Progress in Additive Manufacturing 8 (6), 1587-1617, 2023
High speed 3D material-jetting additive manufacturing of viscous graphene-based ink with high electrical conductivity. Addit Manuf 35: 101330
E Jabari, F Liravi, E Davoodi, L Lin, E Toyserkani
Laser Post Processing of Graphene Interconnects
E Jabari, E Toyserkani
33rd international Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics, At …, 2014
Additive Manufacturing of Graphene-based Patterns
E Jabari
University of Waterloo, 2016
Computational modeling of graphene-ethyl cellulose printed ink: a reactive molecular dynamic study
S Abi Faraj, E Jabari, H E. Naguib, TY Chu
2021 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and …, 2021
Method and apparatus for aerosol-based three-dimensional (3d) printing of flexible graphene electronic devices
E Toyserkani, E Jabari
US Patent 10,400,119 B2, 2019
Strain sensor printing
L Lefebvre, E Toyserkani, CF Dibia, E Jabari, J Vandenberg
US Patent 11,480,482, 2022
Ink Formulations for Chromium-Containing Metallic Microparticles
L Lefebvre, E Marzbanrad, E Toyserkani, B Zhao, E Jabari, J Vandenberg
US Patent App. 16/371,991, 2020
3D Printed Graphene-based Structures for Sensor Applications
E Jabari, F Liravi, E Davoodi, L Liwei, E Toyserkani
WCMNM2018, 2nd World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing, 2018
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Articles 1–20