Nada Sharaf
Nada Sharaf
Lecturer at the German International University, German University in Cairo
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Cited by
Cited by
MiniColon; teaching kids computational thinking using an interactive serious game
R Ayman, N Sharaf, G Ahmed, S Abdennadher
Joint international conference on serious games, 79-90, 2018
Codaroutine: A serious game for introducing sequential programming concepts to children with autism
M Elshahawy, K Aboelnaga, N Sharaf
2020 IEEE global engineering education conference (EDUCON), 1862-1867, 2020
Chranimation: An animation tool for constraint handling rules
N Sharaf, S Abdennadher, T Frühwirth
International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation …, 2014
Visualization of CHR through source-to-source transformation
S Abdennadher, N Sharaf
Technical Communications of the 28th International Conference on Logic …, 2012
Developing computational thinking for children with autism using a serious game
M Elshahawy, M Bakhaty, N Sharaf
2020 24th international conference information visualisation (IV), 761-766, 2020
AraScore: A deep learning-based system for Arabic short answer scoring
O Nael, Y ELmanyalawy, N Sharaf
Array 13, 100109, 2022
Eye-to-eye: towards visualizing eye gaze data
Y Othman, M Khalaf, A Ragab, A Salaheldin, R Ayman, N Sharaf
2020 24th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 729-733, 2020
A rule-based approach for animating java algorithms
N Sharaf, S Abdennadher, T Frühwirth
2016 20th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 141-145, 2016
Using HoloLens for remote collaboration in extended data visualization
P Farouk, N Faransawy, N Sharaf
2022 26th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 209-214, 2022
Generic data visualization platform
A Roshdy, N Sharaf, M Saad, S Abdennadher
2018 22nd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 56-57, 2018
Visualization of constraint handling rules
N Sharaf, S Abdennadher, T Frühwirth
arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.3793, 2014
AraScore: Investigating response-based Arabic short answer scoring
A ElNaka, O Nael, H Afifi, N Sharaf
Procedia Computer Science 189, 282-291, 2021
A gamified platform for energy feedback and usage forecasting
A Diab, M Zeidan, N Sharaf, S Abdennadher
2017 2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Computer and Energy …, 2017
Kalema: Digitizing arabic content for accessibility purposes using crowdsourcing
G Akila, M El-Menisy, O Khaled, N Sharaf, N Tarhony, S Abdennadher
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 16th …, 2015
ARTour: an augmented reality collaborative experience for enhancing tourism
M Elshahawy, S Magdy, N Sharaf
Information Technology & Tourism 25 (4), 549-563, 2023
tashkeelwap: A game with a purpose for digitizing arabic diacritics
L Kassem, C Sabty, N Sharaf, M Bakry, S Abdennadher
ACLing, 2016
Virtual/mixed reality control of a game through Scratch
N Sharaf, G Ahmed, S Ihab
2020 24th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 689-693, 2020
Chr-graph: A platform for animating tree and graph algorithms
N Sharaf, S Abdennadher, T Frühwirth
2017 21st International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 450-453, 2017
Using Rules to Animate Prolog Programs.
N Sharaf, S Abdennadher, TW Frühwirth, N Bassiliades, A Bikakis, ...
RuleML+ RR (Supplement), 2017
Animating Cognitive Models and Architectures: A Rule-Based Approach.
N Sharaf, S Abdennadher, TW Frühwirth, D Gall
GCAI, 253-265, 2016
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Articles 1–20