James Wasmuth
James Wasmuth
Associate Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary
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The genomes of four tapeworm species reveal adaptations to parasitism
IJ Tsai, M Zarowiecki, N Holroyd, A Garciarrubio, A Sanchez-Flores, ...
Nature 496 (7443), 57-63, 2013
The genome and transcriptome of Haemonchus contortus, a key model parasite for drug and vaccine discovery
R Laing, T Kikuchi, A Martinelli, IJ Tsai, RN Beech, E Redman, N Holroyd, ...
Genome biology 14, 1-16, 2013
Comparative Genomics of the Apicomplexan Parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum: Coccidia Differing in Host Range and Transmission Strategy
AJ Reid, SJ Vermont, JA Cotton, D Harris, GA Hill-Cawthorne, ...
PLoS pathogens 8 (3), e1002567, 2012
Exploring the gastrointestinal “nemabiome”: deep amplicon sequencing to quantify the species composition of parasitic nematode communities
RW Avramenko, EM Redman, R Lewis, TA Yazwinski, JD Wasmuth, ...
PLoS One 10 (12), e0143559, 2015
Ubiquitination screen using protein microarrays for comprehensive identification of Rsp5 substrates in yeast
R Gupta, B Kus, C Fladd, J Wasmuth, R Tonikian, S Sidhu, NJ Krogan, ...
Molecular systems biology 3 (1), 116, 2007
Comparison of substrate specificity of the ubiquitin ligases Nedd4 and Nedd4‐2 using proteome arrays
A Persaud, P Alberts, EM Amsen, X Xiong, J Wasmuth, Z Saadon, C Fladd, ...
Molecular systems biology 5 (1), 333, 2009
PartiGene—constructing partial genomes
J Parkinson, A Anthony, J Wasmuth, R Schmid, A Hedley, M Blaxter
Bioinformatics 20 (9), 1398-1404, 2004
prot4EST: translating expressed sequence tags from neglected genomes
JD Wasmuth, ML Blaxter
BMC bioinformatics 5, 1-14, 2004
The evolution of biased codon and amino acid usage in nematode genomes
AD Cutter, JD Wasmuth, ML Blaxter
Molecular biology and evolution 23 (12), 2303-2315, 2006
A Transcriptomic Analysis of Echinococcus granulosus Larval Stages: Implications for Parasite Biology and Host Adaptation
J Parkinson, JD Wasmuth, G Salinas, CV Bizarro, C Sanford, M Berriman, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 6 (11), e1897, 2012
Patterns of molecular evolution in Caenorhabditis preclude ancient origins of selfing
AD Cutter, JD Wasmuth, NL Washington
Genetics 178 (4), 2093-2104, 2008
The VPS33B-binding protein VPS16B is required in megakaryocyte and platelet α-granule biogenesis
D Urban, L Li, H Christensen, FG Pluthero, SZ Chen, M Puhacz, PM Garg, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 120 (25), 5032-5040, 2012
Integrated Bioinformatic and Targeted Deletion Analyses of the SRS Gene Superfamily Identify SRS29C as a Negative Regulator of Toxoplasma Virulence
JD Wasmuth, V Pszenny, S Haile, EM Jansen, AT Gast, A Sher, JP Boyle, ...
MBio 3 (6), 10.1128/mbio. 00321-12, 2012
The origins of apicomplexan sequence innovation
J Wasmuth, J Daub, JM Peregrín-Alvarez, CAM Finney, J Parkinson
Genome research 19 (7), 1202-1213, 2009
Intergenic sequence comparison of Escherichia coli isolates reveals lifestyle adaptations but not host specificity
AP White, KA Sibley, CD Sibley, JD Wasmuth, R Schaefer, MG Surette, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 77 (21), 7620-7632, 2011
On the extent and origins of genic novelty in the phylum Nematoda
J Wasmuth, R Schmid, A Hedley, M Blaxter
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 2 (7), e258, 2008
Characterization and comparative analysis of the complete Haemonchus contortus β-tubulin gene family and implications for benzimidazole resistance in strongylid nematodes
GI Saunders, JD Wasmuth, R Beech, R Laing, M Hunt, H Naghra, ...
International journal for parasitology 43 (6), 465-475, 2013
Kablammo: an interactive, web-based BLAST results visualizer
JA Wintersinger, JD Wasmuth
Bioinformatics 31 (8), 1305-1306, 2015
NEMBASE4: the nematode transcriptome resource
B Elsworth, J Wasmuth, M Blaxter
International journal for parasitology 41 (8), 881-894, 2011
Metabolic reconstruction identifies strain‐specific regulation of virulence in Toxoplasma gondii
C Song, MA Chiasson, N Nursimulu, SS Hung, J Wasmuth, ME Grigg, ...
Molecular systems biology 9 (1), 708, 2013
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Articles 1–20