Steffanie Scott
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Cited by
Doing fieldwork in development geography: Research culture and research spaces in Vietnam
S Scott, F Miller, K Lloyd
Geographical research 44 (1), 28-40, 2006
Contradictions in state-and civil society-driven developments in China’s ecological agriculture sector
S Scott, Z Si, T Schumilas, A Chen
Food Policy 45, 158-166, 2014
Characterizing alternative food networks in China
Z Si, T Schumilas, S Scott
Agriculture and Human Values 32, 299-313, 2015
Environmental impacts and production performances of organic agriculture in China: A monetary valuation
F Meng, Y Qiao, W Wu, P Smith, S Scott
Journal of environmental management 188, 49-57, 2017
Assessing the social and economic benefits of organic and fair trade tea production for small-scale farmers in Asia: a comparative case study of China and Sri Lanka
Y Qiao, N Halberg, S Vaheesan, S Scott
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 31 (3), 246-257, 2016
Institutionalizing agroecology: successes and challenges in Cuba
E Nelson, S Scott, J Cukier, ÁL Galán
Agriculture and Human Values 26, 233-243, 2009
Certified organic agriculture as an alternative livelihood strategy for small-scale farmers in China: A case study in Wanzai County, Jiangxi Province
Y Qiao, F Martin, S Cook, X He, N Halberg, S Scott, X Pan
Ecological Economics 145, 301-307, 2018
Governing solid waste management in Mazatenango, Guatemala: Problems and prospects
DF Yousif, S Scott
International Development Planning Review 29 (4), 433-450, 2007
Illegal farmland conversion in China's urban periphery: local regime and national transitions
Y Wang, S Scott
Urban Geography 29 (4), 327-347, 2008
The transformation of trust in China’s alternative food networks: disruption, reconstruction, and development
RY Wang, Z Si, CN Ng, S Scott
Ecology and Society 20 (2), 2015
Coastal livelihood transitions: socio‐economic consequences of changing mangrove forest management and land allocation in a commune of central Vietnam
LT Van Hue, S Scott
Geographical Research 46 (1), 62-73, 2008
Achieving urban food security through a hybrid public-private food provisioning system: the case of Nanjing, China
T Zhong, Z Si, J Crush, S Scott, X Huang
Food Security 11, 1071-1086, 2019
Growing centralization in China’s farmland protection policy in response to policy failure and related upward-extending unwillingness to protect farmland since 1978
T Zhong, B Mitchell, S Scott, X Huang, Y Li, X Lu
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 35 (6), 1075-1097, 2017
The effects of basic arable land protection planning in Fuyang County, Zhejiang Province, China
T Zhong, X Huang, X Zhang, S Scott, K Wang
Applied Geography 35 (1-2), 422-438, 2012
Wet markets, supermarkets and alternative food sources: Consumers’ food access in Nanjing, China
Z Si, S Scott, C McCordic
Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d'études du …, 2019
The convergence of alternative food networks within “rural development” initiatives: the case of the New Rural Reconstruction Movement in China
Z Si, S Scott
Local Environment 21 (9), 1082-1099, 2016
Exploring experiences of the food environment among immigrants living in the Region of Waterloo, Ontario
PI Rodriguez, J Dean, S Kirkpatrick, L Berbary, S Scott
Canadian Journal of Public Health 107, eS53-eS59, 2016
Gender research in Vietnam: Traditional approaches and emerging trajectories
S Scott, TTK Chuyen
Women's Studies International Forum 30 (3), 243-253, 2007
Organic Food and Farming in China
S Scott, Z Si, T Schumilas
(No Title), 2018
Food, health, and complexity: towards a conceptual understanding to guide collaborative public health action
SE Majowicz, SB Meyer, SI Kirkpatrick, JL Graham, A Shaikh, SJ Elliott, ...
BMC Public Health 16, 1-13, 2016
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Articles 1–20