Richard Casey Sadler (Dick)
Richard Casey Sadler (Dick)
Associate Professor, Departments of Public Health and Family Medicine, Michigan State University
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Elevated blood lead levels in children associated with the Flint drinking water crisis: a spatial analysis of risk and public health response
M Hanna-Attisha, J LaChance, RC Sadler, A Champney Schnepp
American journal of public health 106 (2), 283-290, 2016
The role of place branding in local and regional economic development: bridging the gap between policy and practicality
E Cleave, G Arku, R Sadler, J Gilliland
Regional Studies, Regional Science 3 (1), 207-228, 2016
Using a smartphone application to promote healthy dietary behaviours and local food consumption
J Gilliland, R Sadler, A Clark, C O’Connor, M Milczarek, S Doherty
BioMed research international 2015 (1), 841368, 2015
African Americans now outpace whites in opioid‐involved overdose deaths: a comparison of temporal trends from 1999 to 2018
D Furr‐Holden, AJ Milam, L Wang, R Sadler
Addiction 116 (3), 677-683, 2021
An application of the edge effect in measuring accessibility to multiple food retailer types in Southwestern Ontario, Canada
RC Sadler, JA Gilliland, G Arku
International Journal of Health Geographics 10 (1), 34, 2011
Children’s blood lead seasonality in flint, Michigan (USA), and soil-sourced lead hazard risks
MAS Laidlaw, GM Filippelli, RC Sadler, CR Gonzales, AS Ball, HW Mielke
International journal of environmental research and public health 13 (4), 358, 2016
A food retail-based intervention on food security and consumption
RC Sadler, JA Gilliland, G Arku
International journal of environmental research and public health 10 (8 …, 2013
Assessment of the Legionnaires’ disease outbreak in Flint, Michigan
S Zahran, SP McElmurry, PE Kilgore, D Mushinski, J Press, NG Love, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (8), E1730-E1739, 2018
Rethinking Tiebout: The contribution of political fragmentation and racial/economic segregation to the Flint water crisis
RC Sadler, AR Highsmith
Environmental Justice 9 (5), 143-151, 2016
Four phases of the Flint Water Crisis: Evidence from blood lead levels in children
S Zahran, SP McElmurry, RC Sadler
Environmental Research 157, 160-172, 2017
The consensus of local stakeholders and outside experts in suitability modeling for future camp development
TE Chow, R Sadler
Landscape and urban planning 94 (1), 9-19, 2010
Social and built environmental correlates of predicted blood lead levels in the Flint water crisis
RC Sadler, J LaChance, M Hanna-Attisha
American journal of public health 107 (5), 763-769, 2017
Place marketing, place branding, and social media: Perspectives of municipal practitioners
E Cleave, G Arku, R Sadler, E Kyeremeh
Growth and Change 48 (4), 1012-1033, 2017
Using GPS and activity tracking to reveal the influence of adolescents’ food environment exposure on junk food purchasing
RC Sadler, AF Clark, P Wilk, C O’Connor, JA Gilliland
Canadian Journal of Public Health 107 (Suppl 1), eS14-eS20, 2016
Theoretical issues in the ‘food desert’debate and ways forward
RC Sadler, JA Gilliland, G Arku
GeoJournal 81, 443-455, 2016
Strengthening the core, improving access: Bringing healthy food downtown via a farmers' market move
RC Sadler
Applied Geography 67, 119-128, 2016
Racist housing practices as a precursor to uneven neighborhood change in a post-industrial city
RC Sadler, DJ Lafreniere
Housing studies 32 (2), 186-208, 2017
Is it sound policy or fast policy? Practitioners’ perspectives on the role of place branding in local economic development
E Cleave, G Arku, R Sadler, J Gilliland
Urban Geography 38 (8), 1133-1157, 2017
Alcohol outlet clusters and population disparities
PJ Trangenstein, C Gray, ME Rossheim, R Sadler, DH Jernigan
Journal of urban health 97, 123-136, 2020
Community development and the influence of new food retail sources on the price and availability of nutritious food
RC Sadler, JA Gilliland, G Arku
Journal of Urban Affairs 35 (4), 471-491, 2013
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Articles 1–20