Julien Malard-Adam
Julien Malard-Adam
IRD, France; தமிழ்நாடு வேளாண்மைப் பல்கலைக்கழகம்
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Cited by
Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH)–a community perspective
G Blöschl, MFP Bierkens, A Chambel, C Cudennec, G Destouni, A Fiori, ...
Hydrological sciences journal 64 (10), 1141-1158, 2019
Using wavelet transforms to estimate surface temperature trends and dominant periodicities in Iran based on gridded reanalysis data
A Araghi, MM Baygi, J Adamowski, J Malard, D Nalley, SM Hasheminia
Atmospheric Research 155, 52-72, 2015
Finite element simulation of soil failure patterns under soil bin and field testing conditions
AA Tagar, J Changying, J Adamowski, J Malard, CS Qi, D Qishuo, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 145, 157-170, 2015
Coupling of a distributed stakeholder-built system dynamics socio-economic model with SAHYSMOD for sustainable soil salinity management–Part 1: Model development
A Inam, J Adamowski, S Prasher, J Halbe, J Malard, R Albano
Journal of Hydrology 551, 596-618, 2017
Coupling of a distributed stakeholder-built system dynamics socio-economic model with SAHYSMOD for sustainable soil salinity management. Part 2: Model coupling and application
A Inam, J Adamowski, S Prasher, J Halbe, J Malard, R Albano
Journal of Hydrology 551, 278-299, 2017
Snow-melt flood frequency analysis by means of copula based 2D probability distributions for the Narew River in Poland
B Ozga-Zielinski, M Ciupak, J Adamowski, B Khalil, J Malard
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 6, 26-51, 2016
Development of a software tool for rapid, reproducible, and stakeholder-friendly dynamic coupling of system dynamics and physically-based models
JJ Malard, A Inam, E Hassanzadeh, J Adamowski, HA Tuy, ...
Environmental modelling & software 96, 410-420, 2017
Assessing agricultural drought at a regional scale using LULC classification, SPI, and vegetation indices: Case study in a rainfed agro-ecosystem in Central Mexico
A Sierra-Soler, J Adamowski, J Malard, Z Qi, H Saadat, S Pingale
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 7 (4), 1460-1488, 2016
Multi-level storylines for participatory modeling–involving marginalized communities in Tz'olöj Ya', Mayan Guatemala
JA Bou Nassar, JJ Malard, JF Adamowski, M Ramírez Ramírez, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25 (3), 1283-1306, 2021
Agroecological food web modelling to evaluate and design organic and conventional agricultural systems
JJ Malard, JF Adamowski, MR Díaz, JB Nassar, N Anandaraja, H Tuy, ...
Ecological Modelling 421, 108961, 2020
Use of participatory system dynamics modelling to assess the sustainability of smallholder agriculture
JJ Malard, JF Adamowski, DM Rojas, J Carrera, J Gálvez, H Monadres, ...
2015 ASABE Annual International Meeting, 1, 2015
Multi-level storylines for participatory modeling–involving marginalized communities in Tz’olöj Ya’, Mayan Guatemala
JAB Nassar, J Malard-Adam, JF Adamowski, MR Ramírez, W Medema, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25 (3), 1283–1306, 2021
Implications of variability in soil structures and physio-mechanical properties of soil after different failure patterns
AA Tagar, J Changying, D Qishuo, J Adamowski, J Malard, F Eltoum
Geoderma 261, 124-132, 2016
Modelling predation: Theoretical criteria and empirical evaluation of functional form equations for predator-prey systems
J Malard, J Adamowski, JB Nassar, N Anandaraja, H Tuy, ...
Ecological modelling 437, 109264, 2020
Evaluating and mitigating locally and nationally variable food security dynamics in Guatemala through participatory causal loop diagram building
J Isaac, JL Carrera, O Monterroso Rivas, J Gálvez Ruano, ...
System Dynamics Review 39 (3), 239-276, 2023
Dynamically coupling system dynamics and SWAT+ models using tinamït: Applications of modular tools for coupled human-water systems models
JZ Harms, JJ Malard, JF Adamowski, A Sharma, A Nkwasa
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2022, 1-18, 2022
Quantifying the transient shock response of dynamic agroecosystem variables for improved socio-environmental resilience.
JM Carper, MR Alizadeh, JF Adamowski, A Inam, JJ Malard
Ecology & Society 26 (2), 2021
Development of a new modular software tool for agroecological food web model development: Tiko'n
JJ Malard, JF Adamowski, MR Díaz, JB Nassar, N Anandaraja, H Tuy, ...
European Journal of Agronomy 116, 126033, 2020
Relación entre la diversidad pecuaria y la seguridad alimentaria de pequeños productores agropecuarios en Guatemala
JJ Malard, D Dallmann, A Bui, L Yin, M García-Winder, H Monardes, ...
Revista Eutopía 3 (6), 3-30, 2018
Large-scale coupled system dynamics modelling and resilience to climate change in Guatemala's drought-prone areas
J Malard, J Adamowski, A Inam, H Tuy, X Peng, H Melgar-Quiñonez
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10168, 2018
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Articles 1–20