Javier Kipen
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Cited by
Electromigrated gold nanogap tunnel junction arrays: Fabrication and electrical behavior in liquid and gaseous media
SN Raja, S Jain, J Kipen, J Jaldén, G Stemme, A Herland, F Niklaus
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (28), 37131-37146, 2024
Beam search decoder for enhancing sequence decoding speed in single-molecule peptide sequencing data
J Kipen, J Jaldén
PLOS Computational Biology 19 (11), e1011345, 2023
High-bandwidth low-current measurement system for automated and scalable probing of tunnel junctions in liquids
SN Raja, S Jain, J Kipen, J Jaldén, G Stemme, A Herland, F Niklaus
Brownian motion data augmentation: a method to push neural network performance on nanopore sensors
J Kipen, J Jaldén
bioRxiv, 2024.09. 10.612270, 2024
Efficient Implementation of Robust CUSUM Algorithm to Characterize Nanogaps Measurements with Heavy-Tailed Noise
J Kipen, J Jaldén, SN Raja, S Jain
ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2023
Sensing of protein and DNA complexes using solid-state nanopores
S Jain, M Birgersson, J Kipen, J Jaldén, G Stemme, F Niklaus, SN Raja, ...
Biophysical Journal 122 (3), 289a, 2023
Vehículo autónomo guiado (AGV) para transporte de cargas ligeras en ambientes industriales
J Kipen, M Brito Devoto, A Goytía, S Milhas
Brazo robótico
T Lifschitz, J Kipen
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Articles 1–8