Emmanouil  Pountourakis
Emmanouil Pountourakis
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Optimal auctions vs. anonymous pricing
S Alaei, J Hartline, R Niazadeh, E Pountourakis, Y Yuan
Games and Economic Behavior 118, 494-510, 2019
Procrastination with variable present bias
N Gravin, N Immorlica, B Lucier, E Pountourakis
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.03062, 2016
Single-sample prophet inequalities via greedy-ordered selection
C Caramanis, P Dütting, M Faw, F Fusco, P Lazos, S Leonardi, ...
Proceedings of the 2022 Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms …, 2022
Socially stable matchings in the hospitals/residents problem
G Askalidis, N Immorlica, A Kwanashie, DF Manlove, E Pountourakis
Algorithms and Data Structures: 13th International Symposium, WADS 2013 …, 2013
Repeated sales with multiple strategic buyers
N Immorlica, B Lucier, E Pountourakis, S Taggart
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 167-168, 2017
Clustering on k-edge-colored graphs
E Angel, E Bampis, A Kononov, D Paparas, E Pountourakis, ...
Discrete Applied Mathematics 211, 15-22, 2016
Optimal data acquisition with privacy-aware agents
R Cummings, H Elzayn, E Pountourakis, V Gkatzelis, J Ziani
2023 IEEE Conference on Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning (SaTML), 210-224, 2023
A complete characterization of group-strategyproof mechanisms of cost-sharing
E Pountourakis, A Vidali
Algorithmica 63 (4), 831-860, 2012
Prosumer pricing, incentives and fairness
A Khodabakhsh, J Horn, E Nikolova, E Pountourakis
Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy …, 2019
Prior-free clock auctions for bidders with interdependent values
V Gkatzelis, R Patel, E Pountourakis, D Schoepflin
International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, 64-78, 2021
Revenue maximization with an uncertainty-averse buyer
S Chawla, K Goldner, JB Miller, E Pountourakis
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete …, 2018
A submodular approach for electricity distribution network reconfiguration
A Khodabakhsh, G Yang, S Basu, E Nikolova, MC Caramanis, T Lianeas, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.03517, 2017
Clustering on k-Edge-Colored Graphs
E Angel, E Bampis, A Kononov, D Paparas, E Pountourakis, ...
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2013: 38th International …, 2013
Eliciting information with partial signals in repeated games
Y Wu, A Khodabakhsh, B Li, E Nikolova, E Pountourakis
CoRR abs/2109.04343, 2021
Single-sample prophet inequalities revisited
C Caramanis, M Faw, O Papadigenopoulos, E Pountourakis
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.13089, 2021
The long-term cost of energy generation
J Horn, Y Wu, A Khodabakhsh, E Nikolova, E Pountourakis
Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM International Conference on Future Energy …, 2020
On budget-balanced group-strategyproof cost-sharing mechanisms
N Immorlica, E Pountourakis
International Workshop on Internet and Network Economics, 244-255, 2012
Optimal mechanism design with risk-loving agents
E Nikolova, E Pountourakis, G Yang
Web and Internet Economics: 14th International Conference, WINE 2018, Oxford …, 2018
Algorithmic delegation
A Khodabakhsh, E Pountourakis, S Taggart
Working paper, 2018
Mechanisms for hiring a matroid base without money
E Pountourakis, G Schäfer
International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, 255-266, 2014
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Articles 1–20