minna räsänen
minna räsänen
Södertörn University - School of natural sciences, technology and environmental studies
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Cited by
Visualising gender norms in design: Meet the mega hurricane mixer and the drill dolphia
K Ehrnberger, M Räsänen, S Ilstedt
International Journal of Design 6 (3), 2012
The raw is cooked: Data in intelligence practice
M Räsänen, JM Nyce
Science, Technology, & Human Values 38 (5), 655-677, 2013
Exploring sustainable practices in workplace settings through visualizing electricity consumption
C Katzeff, L Broms, L Jönsson, U Westholm, M Räsänen
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 20 (5), 31, 2013
Business meetings at a distance–decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and cumulative energy demand?
C Borggren, Å Moberg, M Räsänen, G Finnveden
Journal of Cleaner Production 41, 126-139, 2013
A new role for anthropology? rewriting" context" and" analysis" in HCI research
M Räsänen, JM Nyce
Proceedings of the 4th Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction …, 2006
A new role for anthropology?: rewriting context and analysis in HCI research
M Räsänen, JM Nyce
Proceedings of the 4th Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction …, 2006
Meeting at a distance: Experiences of media companies in Sweden
M Räsänen, Å Moberg, M Picha, C Borggren
Technology in society 32 (4), 264-273, 2010
Islands of togetherness: Rewriting context analysis
M Räsänen
KTH, 2007
The Androchair: Performing Gynaecology through the Practice of Gender Critical Design
K Ehrnberger, M Räsänen, E Börjesson, AC Hertz, C Sundbom
The Design Journal 20 (2), 181-198, 2017
Exploring Norm-Critical Design in Online Youth Counseling
S Lundmark, M Normark, M Räsänen
1st International Workshop on Values in Design–Building Bridges between RE …, 2011
Cooperative Design of a Robotic Shopping Trolley
C Bogdan, A Green, H Hüttenrauch, KS Eklundh
Proc. of COST-298, Copenhagen, 2009
Creating a space for increased community feeling among geographically distributed teachers
K Groth, C Bogdan, S Lindquist, M Räsänen, O Sandor, T Lidskog
Proceedings of the 4th decennial conference on Critical computing: between …, 2005
Rewriting Context and Analysis: Bringing Anthropology into HCI Research
M Räsänen, JM Nyce
Advances in Human Computer Interaction. Vienna: I-Tech Education and …, 2008
Om möten i Distansen: Uppfattningar om möten på distans mellan arbetssökande och handläggare
M Räsänen
KTH Datavetenskap och kommunikation, 2006
Particpatory design of a mobile application for teenagers' language homework
O Knutsson, N Nissilä, M Räsänen, NJ Carlsson
A User-Oriented Approach to Building a Video Community in a Distributed Workplace
S Lenman, M Räsänen, B Thuresson
PDC, 323-327, 2002
Workplace Location and ICTs Substituting Travel
G Henriksson, M Räsänen
Organizational Communication and Sustainable Development: ICTs for Mobility …, 2009
User-Driven Design of a Mobile Application for Teenagersʼ Language Homework
O Knutsson, N Nissilä, NJ Carlsson, M Räsänen
Tessy Cerratto-Parman (red.), The First Nordic Symposium on Technology …, 2010
Hållbarhetsbedömning av en medierad tjänst-en pilotstudie
Å Moberg, L Hedberg, G Henriksson, M Räsänen, M Westermark
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2008
Role expectations and relationships in cooperative design projects
A Lantz, M Räsänen, PA Forstorp
Technical report NADA, 2005
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Articles 1–20