Pablo F. Alcantarilla
Pablo F. Alcantarilla
Principal Engineer, Wayve
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KAZE Features
PF Alcantarilla, A Bartoli, AJ Davison
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 214-227, 2012
Fast Explicit Diffusion for Accelerated Features in Nonlinear Scale Spaces
PF Alcantarilla, J Nuevo, A Bartoli
In British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2013
Street-View Change Detection with Deconvolutional Networks
PF Alcantarilla, S Stent, G Ros, R Arroyo, R Gherardi
Robotics: Science and Systems, 2016
Assisting the visually impaired: obstacle detection and warning system by acoustic feedback
A Rodríguez, JJ Yebes, PF Alcantarilla, LM Bergasa, J Almazán, A Cela
Sensors 12 (12), 17476-17496, 2012
On Combining Visual SLAM and Dense Scene Flow to Increase the Robustness of Localization and Mapping in Dynamic Environments
PF Alcantarilla, JJ Yebes, J Almazán, LM Bergasa
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2012, 0
Fog detection system based on computer vision techniques
S Bronte, LM Bergasa, PF Alcantarilla
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC …, 2009
Fusion and binarization of CNN features for robust topological localization across seasons
R Arroyo, PF Alcantarilla, LM Bergasa, E Romera
2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2016
Towards life-long visual localization using an efficient matching of binary sequences from images
R Arroyo, PF Alcantarilla, LM Bergasa, E Romera
2015 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 6328-6335, 2015
Night time vehicle detection for driving assistance lightbeam controller
PF Alcantarilla, LM Bergasa, P Jimenez, MA Sotelo, I Parra, D Fernandez, ...
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2008, 291-296, 2008
Automatic traffic signs and panels inspection system using computer vision
Á González, MÁ García-Garrido, DF Llorca, M Gavilán, JP Fernandez, ...
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 12 (2), 485-499, 2011
Automatic LightBeam Controller for driver assistance
PF Alcantarilla, LM Bergasa, P Jimenez, I Parra, DF Llorca, MA Sotelo, ...
Machine Vision and Applications 22, 819-835, 2011
Fast and effective visual place recognition using binary codes and disparity information
R Arroyo, PF Alcantarilla, LM Bergasa, JJ Yebes, S Bronte
2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2014
Training constrained deconvolutional networks for road scene semantic segmentation
G Ros, S Stent, PF Alcantarilla, T Watanabe
arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.01545, 2016
Sea ice drift tracking from sequential SAR images using accelerated-KAZE features
D Demchev, V Volkov, E Kazakov, PF Alcantarilla, S Sandven, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 55 (9), 5174-5184, 2017
Gauge-SURF descriptors
PF Alcantarilla, LM Bergasa, AJ Davison
Image and vision computing 31 (1), 103-116, 2013
Bidirectional loop closure detection on panoramas for visual navigation
R Arroyo, PF Alcantarilla, LM Bergasa, JJ Yebes, S Gámez
2014 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Proceedings, 1378-1383, 2014
Visual odometry priors for robust EKF-SLAM
PF Alcantarilla, LM Bergasa, F Dellaert
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010, 3501-3506, 2010
Multi-resolution 3D mapping with explicit free space representation for fast and accurate mobile robot motion planning
N Funk, J Tarrio, S Papatheodorou, M Popović, PF Alcantarilla, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (2), 3553-3560, 2021
A continuous optimization approach for efficient and accurate scene flow
Z Lv, C Beall, PF Alcantarilla, F Li, Z Kira, F Dellaert
Computer Vision–ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2016
Obstacle Avoidance System for Assisting Visually Impaired People
A Rodríguez, LM Bergasa, PF Alcantarilla, A Cela
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) Workshop Perception in Robotics, 2012, 2012
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Articles 1–20