Tracy Vaillancourt
Tracy Vaillancourt
Full Professor and Canada Research Chair, University of Ottawa
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What can be done about school bullying? Linking research to educational practice
SM Swearer, DL Espelage, T Vaillancourt, S Hymel
Educational researcher 39 (1), 38-47, 2010
The development of physical aggression from toddlerhood to pre-adolescence: A nation wide longitudinal study of Canadian children
S Côté, T Vaillancourt, JC LeBlanc, DS Nagin, RE Tremblay
Journal of abnormal child psychology 34, 68-82, 2006
Long-term adult outcomes of peer victimization in childhood and adolescence: Pathways to adjustment and maladjustment.
P McDougall, T Vaillancourt
American Psychologist 70 (4), 300, 2015
Bullying is power: Implications for school-based intervention strategies
T Vaillancourt, S Hymel, P McDougall
Journal of Applied School Psychology 19 (2), 157-176, 2003
Bullying: Are researchers and children/youth talking about the same thing?
T Vaillancourt, P McDougall, S Hymel, A Krygsman, J Miller, K Stiver, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Development 32 (6), 486-495, 2008
Preventing bullying through science, policy, and practice
S Le Menestrel, F Rivara
National Academies Press, 2016
The joint development of physical and indirect aggression: Predictors of continuity and change during childhood
SM Côté, T Vaillancourt, ED Barker, D Nagin, RE Tremblay
Development and psychopathology 19 (1), 37-55, 2007
Aggression and social status: The moderating roles of sex and peer‐valued characteristics
T Vaillancourt, S Hymel
Aggressive Behavior: Official Journal of the International Society for …, 2006
Comorbidity of internalizing disorders in children with oppositional defiant disorder
K Boylan, T Vaillancourt, M Boyle, P Szatmari
European child & adolescent psychiatry 16, 484-494, 2007
Longitudinal links between childhood peer victimization, internalizing and externalizing problems, and academic functioning: Developmental cascades
T Vaillancourt, HL Brittain, P McDougall, E Duku
Journal of abnormal child psychology 41 (8), 1203-1215, 2013
The consequences of childhood peer rejection.
P McDougall, S Hymel, T Vaillancourt, L Mercer
Oxford University Press, 2001
School climate, peer victimization, and academic achievement: results from a multi-informant study.
W Wang, T Vaillancourt, HL Brittain, P McDougall, A Krygsman, D Smith, ...
School psychology quarterly 29 (3), 360, 2014
Do human females use indirect aggression as an intrasexual competition strategy?
T Vaillancourt
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 …, 2013
Developmental trajectories of symptom severity and adaptive functioning in an inception cohort of preschool children with autism spectrum disorder
P Szatmari, S Georgiades, E Duku, TA Bennett, S Bryson, E Fombonne, ...
JAMA psychiatry 72 (3), 276-283, 2015
Promoting mental health literacy among educators: Critical in school-based prevention and intervention
J Whitley, JD Smith, T Vaillancourt
Canadian Journal of School Psychology 28 (1), 56-70, 2013
Intolerance of sexy peers: Intrasexual competition among women
T Vaillancourt, A Sharma
Aggressive behavior 37 (6), 569-577, 2011
Examination of bidirectional relationships between parent stress and two types of problem behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder
A Zaidman-Zait, P Mirenda, E Duku, P Szatmari, S Georgiades, J Volden, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 44, 1908-1917, 2014
Investigating phenotypic heterogeneity in children with autism spectrum disorder: a factor mixture modeling approach
S Georgiades, P Szatmari, M Boyle, S Hanna, E Duku, L Zwaigenbaum, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 54 (2), 206-215, 2013
Places to avoid: Population-based study of student reports of unsafe and high bullying areas at school
T Vaillancourt, H Brittain, L Bennett, S Arnocky, P McDougall, S Hymel, ...
Canadian Journal of School Psychology 25 (1), 40-54, 2010
Impact of personal and social resources on parenting stress in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder
A Zaidman-Zait, P Mirenda, E Duku, T Vaillancourt, IM Smith, P Szatmari, ...
Autism 21 (2), 155-166, 2017
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Articles 1–20