A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records D Kaufman, N McKay, C Routson, M Erb, B Davis, O Heiri, S Jaccard, ... Scientific data 7 (1), 1-34, 2020 | 266 | 2020 |
A new perspective on the hydroclimate variability in northern South America during the Little Ice Age J Reuter, L Stott, D Khider, A Sinha, H Cheng, RL Edwards Geophysical Research Letters 36 (21), 2009 | 112 | 2009 |
A probabilistic Pliocene–Pleistocene stack of benthic δ18O using a profile hidden Markov model S Ahn, D Khider, LE Lisiecki, CE Lawrence Dynamics and Statistics of the Climate System 2 (1), dzx002, 2017 | 101 | 2017 |
Assessing El Niņo Southern Oscillation variability during the past millennium D Khider, LD Stott, J Emile‐Geay, R Thunell, DE Hammond Paleoceanography 26 (3), 2011 | 61 | 2011 |
Probabilistic sequence alignment of stratigraphic records L Lin, D Khider, LE Lisiecki, CE Lawrence Paleoceanography 29 (10), 976-989, 2014 | 56 | 2014 |
Climate models can correctly simulate the continuum of global-average temperature variability F Zhu, J Emile-Geay, NP McKay, GJ Hakim, D Khider, TR Ault, EJ Steig, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (18), 8728-8733, 2019 | 55 | 2019 |
Artificial intelligence for modeling complex systems: taming the complexity of expert models to improve decision making Y Gil, D Garijo, D Khider, CA Knoblock, V Ratnakar, M Osorio, H Vargas, ... ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems 11 (2), 1-49, 2021 | 51 | 2021 |
geoChronR–an R package to model, analyze, and visualize age-uncertain data NP McKay, J Emile-Geay, D Khider Geochronology 3 (1), 149-169, 2021 | 48 | 2021 |
PaCTS 1.0: a crowdsourced reporting standard for paleoclimate data D Khider, J Emile‐Geay, NP McKay, Y Gil, D Garijo, V Ratnakar, ... Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 34 (10), 1570-1596, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records, Sci. Data, 7, 115 D Kaufman, N McKay, C Routson, M Erb, B Davis, O Heiri, S Jaccard, ... | 42 | 2020 |
Assessing millennial‐scale variability during the Holocene: A perspective from the western tropical Pacific D Khider, CS Jackson, LD Stott Paleoceanography 29 (3), 143-159, 2014 | 41 | 2014 |
A Bayesian, multivariate calibration for Globigerinoides ruber Mg/Ca D Khider, G Huerta, C Jackson, LD Stott, J Emile‐Geay Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (9), 2916-2932, 2015 | 39 | 2015 |
OKG-Soft: An open knowledge graph with machine readable scientific software metadata D Garijo, M Osorio, D Khider, V Ratnakar, Y Gil 2019 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience), 349-358, 2019 | 33 | 2019 |
Pyleoclim: Paleoclimate timeseries analysis and visualization with Python D Khider, J Emile‐Geay, F Zhu, A James, J Landers, V Ratnakar, Y Gil Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 37 (10), e2022PA004509, 2022 | 27 | 2022 |
Considerations for Globigerinoides ruber (White and Pink) Paleoceanography: Comprehensive Insights From a Long‐Running Sediment Trap JN Richey, K Thirumalai, D Khider, CE Reynolds, JW Partin, TM Quinn Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 34 (3), 353-373, 2019 | 26 | 2019 |
Sedimentary δ15N reveal decadal to centennial fluctuations in the intensity of the eastern tropical north Pacific oxygen minimum zone during the last 1200 years YH Caitlin E. Tems, William M. Berelson, Robert Thunell, Eric Tappa, Xiaomei ... Paleoceanography, 2016 | 22* | 2016 |
A controlled crowdsourcing approach for practical ontology extensions and metadata annotations Y Gil, D Garijo, V Ratnakar, D Khider, J Emile-Geay, N McKay The Semantic Web–ISWC 2017: 16th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
Mint: Model integration through knowledge-powered data and process composition Y Gil, K Cobourn, E Deelman, C Duffy, R Ferreira da Silva, A Kemanian, ... | 18 | 2018 |
A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records, Scientific Data, 7, 115 D Kaufman, N McKay, C Routson, M Erb, B Davis, O Heiri, S Jaccard, ... | 14 | 2020 |
The role of uncertainty in estimating lead/lag relationships in marine sedimentary archives: a case study from the tropical Pacific D Khider, S Ahn, LE Lisiecki, CE Lawrence, M Kienast Paleoceanography 32 (11), 1275-1290, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |