Jeremy Wong
Jeremy Wong
Research Associate, University of Calgary
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Humans can continuously optimize energetic cost during walking
JC Selinger, SM O’Connor, JD Wong, JM Donelan
Current Biology 25 (18), 2452-2456, 2015
Somatosensory plasticity and motor learning
DJ Ostry, M Darainy, AAG Mattar, J Wong, PL Gribble
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (15), 5384-5393, 2010
Can proprioceptive training improve motor learning?
JD Wong, DA Kistemaker, A Chin, PL Gribble
Journal of neurophysiology 108 (12), 3313-3321, 2012
Control of position and movement is simplified by combined muscle spindle and Golgi tendon organ feedback
DA Kistemaker, AJK Van Soest, JD Wong, I Kurtzer, PL Gribble
Journal of neurophysiology 109 (4), 1126-1139, 2013
Mapping proprioception across a 2D horizontal workspace
ET Wilson, J Wong, PL Gribble
PloS one 5 (7), e11851, 2010
Are there distinct neural representations of object and limb dynamics?
N Cothros, JD Wong, PL Gribble
Experimental Brain Research 173, 689-697, 2006
The central nervous system does not minimize energy cost in arm movements
DA Kistemaker, JD Wong, PL Gribble
Journal of neurophysiology 104 (6), 2985-2994, 2010
Spatially selective enhancement of proprioceptive acuity following motor learning
JD Wong, ET Wilson, PL Gribble
Journal of neurophysiology 105 (5), 2512-2521, 2011
Visual cues signaling object grasp reduce interference in motor learning
N Cothros, J Wong, PL Gribble
Journal of neurophysiology 102 (4), 2112-2120, 2009
Limb stiffness is modulated with spatial accuracy requirements during movement in the absence of destabilizing forces
J Wong, ET Wilson, N Malfait, PL Gribble
Journal of neurophysiology 101 (3), 1542-1549, 2009
How humans initiate energy optimization and converge on their optimal gaits
JC Selinger, JD Wong, SN Simha, JM Donelan
Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (19), jeb198234, 2019
The cost of moving optimally: kinematic path selection
DA Kistemaker, JD Wong, PL Gribble
Journal of neurophysiology 112 (8), 1815-1824, 2014
Is natural variability in gait sufficient to initiate spontaneous energy optimization in human walking?
JD Wong, JC Selinger, JM Donelan
Journal of neurophysiology 121 (5), 1848-1855, 2019
Observing object lifting errors modulates cortico-spinal excitability and improves object lifting performance
G Buckingham, JD Wong, M Tang, PL Gribble, MA Goodale
Cortex 50, 115-124, 2014
The snooze of lose: Rapid reaching reveals that losses are processed more slowly than gains.
CS Chapman, JP Gallivan, JD Wong, NJ Wispinski, JT Enns
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 144 (4), 844, 2015
The energetic basis for smooth human arm movements
JD Wong, T Cluff, AD Kuo
Elife 10, e68013, 2021
Bimanual proprioception: are two hands better than one?
JD Wong, ET Wilson, DA Kistemaker, PL Gribble
Journal of neurophysiology 111 (6), 1362-1368, 2014
The influence of visual perturbations on the neural control of limb stiffness
J Wong, ET Wilson, N Malfait, PL Gribble
Journal of neurophysiology 101 (1), 246-257, 2009
Optimizing the distribution of leg muscles for vertical jumping
JD Wong, MF Bobbert, AJ van Soest, PL Gribble, DA Kistemaker
PloS one 11 (2), e0150019, 2016
Distinct haptic cues do not reduce interference when learning to reach in multiple force fields
N Cothros, J Wong, PL Gribble
PloS one 3 (4), e1990, 2008
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Articles 1–20