Dr. Yavuz BEDİ
Dr. Yavuz BEDİ
MTA Genel Müdürlüğü
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Discovery of the Late Triassic (Middle Carnian–Rhaetian) radiolarians in the volcano-sedimentary sequences of the Kocali Complex, SE Turkey: Correlation with the other Tauride …
S Uzuncimen, UK Tekin, Y Bedi, D Perincek, E Varol, H Soycan
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 40 (1), 180-200, 2011
Middle Triassic back-arc basalts from the blocks in the Mersin Mélange, southern Turkey: Implications for the geodynamic evolution of the Northern Neotethys
K Sayit, Y Bedi, UK Tekin, MC Göncüoglu, C Okuyucu
Lithos 268, 102-113, 2017
New age data from the tectonostratigraphic units of the Istranca" Massif" in NW Turkey: a correlation with SE Bulgaria
Y Bedi, E Vasilev, C Dabovski, A Ergen, C Okuyucu, A Dogan, UK TEKİN, ...
Geochemical and Petrological characteristics of Late Triassic basic volcanic rocks from the Kocali complex; SE Turkey: implications for the Triassic Evolution of Southern Tethys
E Varol, Y Bedi, UK Tekin, S Uzuncimen
Ofioliti 36 (1), 101-115, 2011
Seben-Gerede (Bolu)-Güdül-Beypazarı (Ankara) ve Çerkeş-Orta-Kurşunlu (Çankırı) yörelerinin (Köroğlu Dağları) jeolojisi ve volkanik kayaçların petrolojisi
A Türkecan, N Hepşen, I Papak, B Akbaş, A Dinçel, S Karataş, İ Özgür, ...
MTA Report, 1991
Ruesticyrtiidae (Radiolaria) from the middle Carnian (Late Triassic) of Koseyahya Nappe (Elbistan, eastern Turkey)
UK Tekin, Y Bedi
Akdağ Masıfi ve Dolayının Jeolojisi
A Yılmaz, Ş Uysal, Y Bedi, H Göç, N Aydın
Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi 117 (117), 1995
Integrated Radiolaria, benthic foraminifera and conodont biochronology of the pelagic Permian blocks/tectonic slices and geochemistry of associated volcanic rocks from the …
UK Tekin, C Okuyucu, K Sayit, Y Bedi, PJ Noble, L Krystyn, ...
Island Arc 28 (2), e12286, 2019
. BoluÇankırı (Köroğlu Dağları) Arasındaki Neojen Yaşlı Volkanitlerin Stratigrafisi ve Petrolojisi:
S Türkecan, A., Dinçel, A., Hepşen, N., Papak, İ., Akbaş, B., Sevin, M ...
Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bülteni 6, 85-104., 1991
Discovery of a long-term refuge for ostracods (Crustacea) after the end-Permian extinction: A unique Carnian (Late Triassic) fauna from the Mersin Mélange, southern Turkey
MB Forel, UK Tekin, C Okuyucu, Y Bedi, A Tuncer, S Crasquin
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 17 (1), 9-58, 2019
Radiolarian biochronology of upper Anisian to upper Ladinian (Middle Triassic) blocks and tectonic slices of volcano-sedimentary successions in the Mersin Mélange, southern …
UK Tekin, Y Bedi, C Okuyucu, MC Göncüoglu, K Sayit
Journal of African Earth Sciences 124, 409-426, 2016
Eptingiacea and Saturnaliacea (Radiolaria) from the middle Carnian of Turkey and some late Ladinian to early Norian samples from Oman and Alaska
P Dumitrica, UK Tekin, Y Bedi
Paläontologische Zeitschrift 84, 259-292, 2010
Middle Carnian (Late Triassic) Nassellaria (Radiolaria) of Köseyahya Nappe from eastern Taurides, eastern Turkey
UK Tekin, Y Bedi
Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 113 (2), 2007
Taxonomic study of the tetrahedral, pentagonal and hexagonal spongy spumellarian Radiolaria from the middle Carnian (Late Triassic) of the Köseyahya nappe (Elbistan, SE Turkey …
P Dumitrica, UK Tekin, Y Bedi
Paläontologische Zeitschrift 87, 311-343, 2013
Doğu Toroslar’da Uzunyayla ile Beritdağı arasının jeolojik yapısı
N Yılmaz, A., Bedi, Y., Uysal, Ş., Yusufoğlu, H. ve Aydın
TPJD Bülteni 5 (1), 69-87, 1993
Taxonomic study of spongy spumellarian Radiolaria with three and four coplanar spines or arms from the middle Carnian (Late Triassic) of the Köseyahya nappe (Elbistan, SE …
P Dumitrica, UK Tekin, Y Bedi
Paläontologische Zeitschrift 87, 345-395, 2013
Doğu Toroslar’ın Jeodinamik Evrimi (Afşin-Elbistan-Göksun)-Sarız Dolayı)
Y Bedi, H Yusufoğlu, M Beyazpirinç, MK Özkan, D Usta, H Yıldız
Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü Rapor, 388, 2009
Alanya Napı’nın Stratigrafisine Farklı Bir Yaklaşım.
G Öztürk, E.M., Akdeniz, N., Bedi, Y., Sönmez, İ., Usta, D., Kuru, K., Erbay
Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni 10, 2-10, 1995
Opening Evolution and Closure of the Neotethyan Oceanic Branches in Anatolia as Inferred by Radiolarian Research
MC Göncüoğlu, K Sayıt, S Uzunçimen Keçeli
null, 2015
Afşin-Elbistan Neojen Havzasının Tektonik Evrimi, Doğu Toroslar, Türkiye. 58
H Yusufoğlu, Y Bedi, D Usta, MK Özkan, M Beyazpirinç, H Yıldız
Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bildiri Özleri 264, 265, 2005
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Articles 1–20