Akiko Shoji
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Cited by
Breeding density, fine‐scale tracking, and large‐scale modeling reveal the regional distribution of four seabird species
ED Wakefield, E Owen, J Baer, MJ Carroll, F Daunt, SG Dodd, JA Green, ...
Ecological Applications 27 (7), 2074-2091, 2017
Spatial scales of marine conservation management for breeding seabirds
S Oppel, M Bolton, APB Carneiro, MP Dias, JA Green, JF Masello, ...
Marine Policy 98, 37-46, 2018
Ocean-wide drivers of migration strategies and their influence on population breeding performance in a declining seabird
AL Fayet, R Freeman, T Anker-Nilssen, A Diamond, KE Erikstad, D Fifield, ...
Current Biology 27 (24), 3871-3878. e3, 2017
Predicting animal behaviour using deep learning: GPS data alone accurately predict diving in seabirds
E Browning, M Bolton, E Owen, A Shoji, T Guilford, R Freeman
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (3), 681-692, 2018
Carry‐over effects on the annual cycle of a migratory seabird: an experimental study
AL Fayet, R Freeman, A Shoji, HL Kirk, O Padget, CM Perrins, T Guilford
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (6), 1516-1527, 2016
Drivers and fitness consequences of dispersive migration in a pelagic seabird
AL Fayet, R Freeman, A Shoji, D Boyle, HL Kirk, BJ Dean, CM Perrins, ...
Behavioral Ecology 27 (4), 1061-1072, 2016
Lower foraging efficiency in immatures drives spatial segregation with breeding adults in a long-lived pelagic seabird
A. Fayet, R. Freeman, A. Shoji, O. Padget, C.M. Perrins, T. Guilford
Animal Behaviour, 2015
Dual foraging and pair-coordination during chick provisioning by Manx shearwaters: empirical evidence supported by a simple model
A Shoji, S Aris-Brosou, A Fayet, O Padget, C Perrins, T Guilford
Journal of Experimental Biology, 2015
Foraging behaviour of sympatric razorbills and puffins
A Shoji, KH Elliott, A Fayet, D Boyle, C Perrins, T Guilford
Marine Ecology-Progress Series 520, 257–267, 2015
Ancient Murrelet (Synthliboramphus antiquus)
AJ Gaston, A Shoji
The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.), 2010
Sexual Variation in Fisheries Research and Management: When Does Sex Matter?
KC Hanson, MA Gravel, A Graham, ASSJ Cooke
Reviews in Fisheries Science 16, 421 — 436, 2008
Simultaneous multi-colony tracking of a pelagic seabird reveals cross-colony utilization of a shared foraging area
B. Dean, H. Kirk, A. Fayet, A. Shoji, R. Freeman, K. Leonard, C. Perrins, T ...
Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 2015
Oxygen stores and foraging behavior of two sympatric, planktivorous alcids
KH Elliott, A Shoji, KL Campbell, AJ Gaston
Aquatic Biology 8 (3), 221-235, 2010
Breeding phenology and winter activity predict subsequent breeding success in a trans-global migratory seabird
A Shoji, S Aris-Brosou, A Culina, A Fayet, H Kirk, O Padget, ...
Biology Letters 11 (10), 20150671, 2015
Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds
BL Clark, APB Carneiro, EJ Pearmain, MM Rouyer, TA Clay, W Cowger, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 3665, 2023
Remotely sensed wind speed predicts soaring behaviour in a wide-ranging pelagic seabird
R Gibb, A Shoji, AL Fayet, CM Perrins, T Guilford, R Freeman
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 14 (132), 20170262, 2017
Coordinated provisioning in a dual-foraging pelagic seabird
C Tyson, H Kirk, A Fayet, EE Van Loon, A Shoji, B Dean, C Perrins, ...
Animal behaviour 132, 73-79, 2017
Incubation patterns in a central-place forager affect lifetime reproductive success: scaling of patterns from a foraging bout to a lifetime
A Shoji, KH Elliott, S Aris-Brosou, D Crump, AJ Gaston
PLoS One 6 (3), e17760, 2011
The diving behaviour of the Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus
A Shoji, B Dean, H Kirk, R Freeman, CM Perrins, T Guilford
Ibis 158 (3), 598-606, 2016
Short-term behavioural impact contrasts with long-term fitness consequences of biologging in a long-lived seabird
N Gillies, AL Fayet, O Padget, M Syposz, J Wynn, S Bond, J Evry, H Kirk, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 15056, 2020
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Articles 1–20