Martin Kolisko
Martin Kolisko
Laboratory of Genomics and Diversity of Protists, Biology Centre, Czech Acad. Sci.
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Cited by
Revisions to the classification, nomenclature, and diversity of eukaryotes
SM Adl, D Bass, CE Lane, J Lukeš, CL Schoch, A Smirnov, S Agatha, ...
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 66 (1), 4-119, 2019
Diversity, nomenclature, and taxonomy of protists
SM Adl, BS Leander, AGB Simpson, JM Archibald, OR Anderson, D Bass, ...
Systematic biology 56 (4), 684-689, 2007
Chromerid genomes reveal the evolutionary path from photosynthetic algae to obligate intracellular parasites
YH Woo, H Ansari, TD Otto, CM Klinger, M Kolisko, J Michálek, A Saxena, ...
elife 4, e06974, 2015
Factors mediating plastid dependency and the origins of parasitism in apicomplexans and their close relatives
J Janouškovec, DV Tikhonenkov, F Burki, AT Howe, M Kolísko, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (33), 10200-10207, 2015
Aggregative multicellularity evolved independently in the eukaryotic supergroup Rhizaria
MW Brown, M Kolisko, JD Silberman, AJ Roger
Current Biology 22 (12), 1123-1127, 2012
Extreme genome diversity in the hyper-prevalent parasitic eukaryote Blastocystis
E Gentekaki, BA Curtis, CW Stairs, V Klimeš, M Eliáš, DE Salas-Leiva, ...
PLoS biology 15 (9), e2003769, 2017
Multiple independent origins of apicomplexan-like parasites
V Mathur, M Kolísko, E Hehenberger, NAT Irwin, BS Leander, ...
Current Biology 29 (17), 2936-2941. e5, 2019
EukRef: phylogenetic curation of ribosomal RNA to enhance understanding of eukaryotic diversity and distribution
J Del Campo, M Kolisko, V Boscaro, LF Santoferrara, S Nenarokov, ...
PLoS biology 16 (9), e2005849, 2018
Novel predators reshape holozoan phylogeny and reveal the presence of a two-component signaling system in the ancestor of animals
E Hehenberger, DV Tikhonenkov, M Kolisko, J Del Campo, AS Esaulov, ...
Current Biology 27 (13), 2043-2050. e6, 2017
Organelles that illuminate the origins of Trichomonas hydrogenosomes and Giardia mitosomes
MM Leger, M Kolisko, R Kamikawa, CW Stairs, K Kume, I Čepička, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (4), 0092, 2017
Single-cell transcriptomics for microbial eukaryotes
M Kolisko, V Boscaro, F Burki, DH Lynn, PJ Keeling
Current Biology 24 (22), R1081-R1082, 2014
Large-scale phylogenomic analysis reveals the phylogenetic position of the problematic taxon Protocruzia and unravels the deep phylogenetic affinities of the ciliate lineages
E Gentekaki, M Kolisko, V Boscaro, KJ Bright, F Dini, G Di Giuseppe, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 78, 36-42, 2014
Parallel genome reduction in symbionts descended from closely related free-living bacteria
V Boscaro, M Kolisko, M Felletti, C Vannini, DH Lynn, PJ Keeling
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (8), 1160-1167, 2017
Palpitomonas bilix represents a basal cryptist lineage: insight into the character evolution in Cryptista
A Yabuki, R Kamikawa, SA Ishikawa, M Kolisko, E Kim, AS Tanabe, ...
Scientific reports 4 (1), 4641, 2014
Phylogenomics solves a long-standing evolutionary puzzle in the ciliate world: the subclass Peritrichia is monophyletic
E Gentekaki, M Kolisko, Y Gong, D Lynn
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 106, 1-5, 2017
PhyloFisher: a phylogenomic package for resolving eukaryotic relationships
AK Tice, D Žihala, T Pánek, RE Jones, ED Salomaki, S Nenarokov, ...
PLoS Biology 19 (8), e3001365, 2021
Probing the biology of Giardia intestinalis mitosomes using in vivo enzymatic tagging
E Martincová, L Voleman, J Pyrih, V Žárský, P Vondráčková, M Kolísko, ...
Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2015
Genomics of new ciliate lineages provides insight into the evolution of obligate anaerobiosis
J Rotterová, E Salomaki, T Pánek, W Bourland, D Žihala, P Táborský, ...
Current Biology 30 (11), 2037-2050. e6, 2020
A wide diversity of previously undetected free‐living relatives of diplomonads isolated from marine/saline habitats
M Kolisko, JD Silberman, I Cepicka, N Yubuki, K Takishita, A Yabuki, ...
Environmental microbiology 12 (10), 2700-2710, 2010
A Study on the Prevalence and Subtype Diversity of the Intestinal Protist Blastocystis sp. in a Gut-Healthy Human Population in the Czech Republic
Z Lhotská, M Jirků, O Hložková, K Brožová, D Jirsová, CR Stensvold, ...
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 10, 544335, 2020
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Articles 1–20