Jeffrey Masuda
Jeffrey Masuda
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Place, culture, and the social amplification of risk
JR Masuda, T Garvin
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 26 (2), 437-454, 2006
Whose heartland?: The politics of place in a rural–urban interface
JR Masuda, T Garvin
Journal of Rural studies 24 (1), 112-123, 2008
Low-income Canadians’ experiences with health-related services: implications for health care reform
DL Williamson, MJ Stewart, K Hayward, N Letourneau, E Makwarimba, ...
Health policy 76 (1), 106-121, 2006
Reaching for environmental health justice: Canadian experiences for a comprehensive research, policy and advocacy agenda in health promotion
JR Masuda, B Poland, J Baxter
Health Promotion International 25 (4), 453-464, 2010
Neighbourhood branding and the right to the city
JR Masuda, S Bookman
Progress in Human Geography 42 (2), 165-182, 2018
Renewable energy and energy autonomy: how Indigenous peoples in Canada are shaping an energy future
RD Stefanelli, C Walker, D Kornelsen, D Lewis, DH Martin, J Masuda, ...
Environmental Reviews 27 (1), 95-105, 2019
Therapeutic landscapes of home: Exploring Indigenous peoples' experiences of a Housing First intervention in Winnipeg
DA Alaazi, JR Masuda, J Evans, J Distasio
Social science & medicine 147, 30-37, 2015
Environmental justice in the therapeutic inner city
JR Masuda, A Crabtree
Health & place 16 (4), 656-665, 2010
Right to a healthy city? Examining the relationship between urban space and health inequity by Aboriginal youth artist-activists in Winnipeg
E Skinner, JR Masuda
Social Science & Medicine 91, 210-218, 2013
Impact of online support for youth with asthma and allergies: Pilot study
N Letourneau, M Stewart, JR Masuda, S Anderson, L Cicutto, S McGhan, ...
Journal of pediatric nursing 27 (1), 65-73, 2012
Environmental health and vulnerable populations in Canada: mapping an integrated equity‐focused research agenda
JR Masuda, T Zupancic, B Poland, DC Cole
The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien 52 (4), 427-450, 2008
“I want to meet other kids like me”: Support needs of children with asthma and allergies
M Stewart, JR Masuda, N Letourneau, S Anderson, S McGhan
Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing 34 (2), 62-78, 2011
Are the pens working for justice? News media coverage of renewable energy involving Indigenous Peoples in Canada
C Walker, A Alexander, MB Doucette, D Lewis, HT Neufeld, D Martin, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 57, 101230, 2019
Arguments in health geography: On sub‐disciplinary progress, observation, translation
GJ Andrews, J Evans, JR Dunn, JR Masuda
Geography Compass 6 (6), 351-383, 2012
Online solutions to support needs and preferences of parents of children with asthma and allergies
M Stewart, N Letourneau, JR Masuda, S Anderson, S McGhan
Journal of Family Nursing 17 (3), 357-379, 2011
Determinants of health-service use by low-income people
M Stewart, L Reutter, E Makwarimba, I Rootman, D Williamson, K Raine, ...
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research Archive, 104-131, 2005
Equity-focused knowledge translation: a framework for "reasonable action" on health inequities
JR Masuda, T Zupancic, E Crighton, N Muhajarine, E Phipps
International Journal of Public Health 59 (3), 457-464, 2014
Perceptions and experiences of environmental health risks among new mothers: a qualitative study in Ontario, Canada
E Crighton, C Brown, L Louise, JR Masuda, F Ursitti
Health, Risk & Society 15 (4), 295-312, 2013
Building capacity for community-based participatory research for health disparities in Canada: The case of “Partnerships in Community Health Research”
JR Masuda, G Creighton, S Nixon, J Frankish
Health promotion practice 12 (2), 280-292, 2011
Power, knowledge, and public engagement: constructing ‘citizenship’in Alberta's industrial heartland
JR Masuda, TK McGee, TD Garvin
Journal of environmental policy & planning 10 (4), 359-380, 2008
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Articles 1–20