Wayne D. Hoyer
Wayne D. Hoyer
Professor of Marketing, University of Texas at Austin
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Consumer Behaviour: Asia-Pacific Edition
WD Hoyer, DJ MacInnis, R Pieters, E Chan, G Northey
Cengage AU, 2017
„The CRM Process: Its Measurement and Impact on Performance‟
W Reintartz, M Krafft, WD Hoyer
Journal: Marketing Research: Forthcoming, 1-2, 2004
The customer relationship management process: Its measurement and impact on performance
W Reinartz, M Krafft, WD Hoyer
Journal of marketing research, 293-305, 2004
Wayne D. Hoyer D. 2004. The customer relationship management process: its measurement and impact on performance
W Reinartz, M Krafft
Journal of Marketing Research 41 (3), 293-326, 0
Consumer cocreation in new product development
WD Hoyer, R Chandy, M Dorotic, M Krafft, SS Singh
Journal of Service Research 13 (3), 283, 2010
Emotional brand attachment and brand personality: The relative importance of the actual and the ideal self
L Malär, H Krohmer, WD Hoyer, B Nyffenegger
Journal of marketing 75 (4), 35-52, 2011
Effects of brand awareness on choice for a common, repeat-purchase product
WD Hoyer, SP Brown
Journal of Consumer Research, 141-148, 1990
Nicole Koschate, and Wayne D. Hoyer (2005),“Do Satisfied Customers Really Pay More? A Study of the Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction and Willingness to Pay,”
C Homburg, A Fürst
Journal of Marketing 69, 84-97, 0
The unhealthy= tasty intuition and its effects on taste inferences, enjoyment, and choice of food products
R Raghunathan, RW Naylor, WD Hoyer
Journal of Marketing 70 (4), 170-184, 2006
An examination of consumer decision making for a common repeat purchase product
WD Hoyer
Journal of consumer research 11 (3), 822-829, 1984
Why switch? product category–level explanations for true variety-seeking behavior
HCMV Trijp, WD Hoyer, JJ Inman
Journal of marketing research 33 (3), 281-292, 1996
Planned versus impulse purchase behavior.
CJ Cobb, WD Hoyer
Journal of retailing, 1986
Social identity and the service-profit chain
C Homburg, J Wieseke, WD Hoyer
Journal of Marketing 73 (2), 38-54, 2009
Consumers’ perceptions of the assortment offered in a grocery category: The impact of item reduction
SM Broniarczyk, WD Hoyer, L McAlister
Journal of marketing research 35 (2), 166-176, 1998
Service orientation of a retailer's business strategy: Dimensions, antecedents, and performance outcomes
C Homburg, WD Hoyer, M Fassnacht
The Journal of Marketing, 86-101, 2002
Transforming the customer experience through new technologies
WD Hoyer, M Kroschke, B Schmitt, K Kraume, V Shankar
Journal of interactive marketing 51 (1), 57-71, 2020
The intensity of ethnic affiliation: A study of the sociology of Hispanic consumption
R Deshpande, WD Hoyer, N Donthu
Journal of Consumer Research, 214-220, 1986
The role of cognition and affect in the formation of customer satisfaction: a dynamic perspective
C Homburg, N Koschate, WD Hoyer
Journal of Marketing 70 (3), 21-31, 2006
Promotion signal: proxy for a price cut?
JJ Inman, L McAlister, WD Hoyer
Journal of consumer research 17 (1), 74-81, 1990
The effect of novel attributes on product evaluation
M Ashesh, WD Hoyer
Journal of Consumer Research 28 (3), 462-472, 2001
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Articles 1–20