Ceren Kolsarici
Ceren Kolsarici
Associate Professor, Ian R. Friendly Fellow of Marketing, Queen's University
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Cited by
Dynamic Effectiveness of Advertising and Word of Mouth in Sequential Distribution of New Products
NI Bruce, NZ Foutz, C Kolsarici
Journal of Marketing Research 49 (4), 469-486, 2012
A dual-market diffusion model for a new prescription pharmaceutical
D Vakratsas, C Kolsarici
International Journal of Research in Marketing 25 (4), 282-293, 2008
Category-Versus Brand-Level Advertising Messages in a Highly Regulated Environment
C Kolsarici, D Vakratsas
Journal of Marketing Research 47 (6), 1078-1089, 2010
Synergistic, antagonistic, and asymmetric media interactions
C Kolsarici, D Vakratsas
Journal of Advertising 47 (3), 282-300, 2018
The anatomy of the advertising budget decision: How analytics and heuristics drive sales performance
C Kolsarici, D Vakratsas, PA Naik
Journal of Marketing Research 57 (3), 468-488, 2020
Correcting for misspecification in parameter dynamics to improve forecast accuracy with adaptively estimated models
C Kolsarici, D Vakratsas
Management Science 61 (10), 2495-2513, 2015
The financial advice puzzle: The role of consumer heterogeneity in the advisor choice
C Amaral, C Kolsarici
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 54, 102014, 2020
Perfectionism paradox: Perfectionistic concerns (not perfectionistic strivings) affect the relationship between perceived risk and choice
G Ceylan, C Kolsarici, DJ MacInnis
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 21 (4), 880-895, 2022
The impact of discriminatory pricing based on customer risk: an empirical investigation using indirect lending through retail networks
C Amaral, C Kolsarici, M Nediak
European Journal of Marketing 57 (13), 56-86, 2023
How DTCA influences prescription pharmaceutical markets
D Vakratsas, C Kolsarici
Innovation and marketing in the pharmaceutical industry: Emerging practices …, 2013
Motivating Sustainable Energy Consumption Within Organizations: The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Behavioral Insights
C Amaral, C Kolsarici, I Ikonen, N Robitaille
Southern Ontario Behavioural Decision Research Conference 2024, 2024
Motivating Sustainable Energy Consumption Within Organizations: The Role of Analytics and Optimized Communication
C Amaral, C Kolsarici, I Ikonen, N Robitaille
2023 Marketing & Public Policy Conference Awards, 2023
Catalyzing social change: Does concentration encourage action?
J Berger, JC Jackson, C Kolsarici
PLoS one 17 (12), e0277934, 2022
Optimizing Pricing Delegation To External Sales Forces Via Commissions: An Empirical Investigation
C Amaral, C Kolsarici, M Nediak
The Impact of Marketing on the Financial Services Sector: An Empirical …, 2020
The Impact of Varying Consumer Credit Pricing by Consumer Risk: An Empirical Investigation using Indirect Lending
C Amaral, C Kolsarici, M Nediak
ISMS Marketing Science Conference 2019, 2019
Understanding and Communicating the Value of Financial Advice: Mapping the Investor Market
C Kolsarici, C Amaral, F Sonmez-Leopold
ISMS Marketing Science Conference 2017, 2017
Subject and Author Index Vol. 49, 2012 Subject Index
A Barroso, G Llobet, NI Bruce, K Peters, PA Naik, NZ Foutz, C Kolsarici, ...
Emotion 49 (5), 2012
Subject and Author Index Vol. 47, 2010 Subject Index
C Kolsarici, D Vakratsas, BJ Bronnenberg, JP Dubé, CF Mela, MR Goode, ...
Jia (Elke) 47 (2), 251-62, 2010
The Impact of Varying Consumer Credit Pricing by Consumer Risk: An Empirical Investigation using Indirect Lending (Submitted to the PhD Track)
C Amaral, C Kolsarici, M Nediak
Web Appendix
NI Bruce, NZ Foutz, C Kolsarici
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Articles 1–20