Vanessa van den Boogaard
Cited by
Cited by
Informal taxation in Sierra Leone: Magnitudes, perceptions and implications
V Van den Boogaard, W Prichard, S Jibao
African Affairs 118 (471), 259-284, 2019
Norms, power, and the socially embedded realities of market taxation in Northern Ghana
W Prichard, V Van den Boogaard
African Studies Review 60 (1), 171-194, 2017
Tax revenue mobilization in conflict‐affected developing countries
V Van Den Boogaard, W Prichard, MS Benson, N Milicic
Journal of International Development 30 (2), 345-364, 2018
Enabling tax bargaining: Supporting more meaningful tax transparency and taxpayer engagement in Ghana and Sierra Leone
V van den Boogaard, W Prichard, R Beach, F Mohiuddin
Development Policy Review 40 (1), e12543, 2022
Formalization and its Discontents: Conceptual Fallacies and Ways Forward
M Gallien, V Boogaard
Development and Change 54 (3), 490-513, 2023
Gender and the formal and informal systems of local public finance in Sierra Leone
V Van den Boogaard
Politique africaine 151 (3), 61-86, 2018
Financing governance beyond the state: Informal revenue generation in south-central Somalia
V van den Boogaard, F Santoro
African Affairs 121 (485), 569-594, 2022
Norms, networks, power and control: Understanding informal payments and brokerage in cross-border trade in Sierra Leone
V Van den Boogaard, W Prichard, S Jibao
Journal of Borderlands Studies 36 (1), 77-97, 2021
Mobile money taxation and informal workers: Evidence from Ghana's E‐levy
NA Anyidoho, M Gallien, M Rogan, V van den Boogaard
Development Policy Review 41 (5), e12704, 2023
Beyond greed: why armed groups tax
T Bandula-Irwin, M Gallien, A Jackson, V Van Den Boogaard, F Weigand
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 47 (12), 1599-1622, 2024
Taxing the informal economy is not a silver bullet for financing development-or the COVID-19 recovery
M Gallien, M Moore, V Van den Boogaard
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2021
Informal revenue generation and the state: Evidence from Sierra Leone
V van den Boogaard
University of Toronto, 2020
Modern post-colonial approaches to citizenship: Kwame Nkrumah’s political thought on Pan-Africanism
V van den Boogaard
Citizenship Studies 21 (1), 44-67, 2017
Tax and governance in rural areas: The implications of inefficient tax collection
V van den Boogaard, R Beach
Journal of International Development 35 (7), 1892-1912, 2023
Engendering Taxation: a Research and Policy Agenda
A Joshi, J Kangave, V van den Boogaard
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2024
What have we learned about informal taxation in sub-Saharan Africa?
V Van den Boogaard, W Prichard
Institute of Development Studies, International Centre for Tax and …, 2016
Tight tax net, loose safety net
NA Anyidoho, M Gallien, G Ismail, F Juergens-Grant, M Rogan, ...
WIEGO Working Paper, 2022
Catch them if you can: The politics and practice of a taxpayer registration exercise
M Gallien, G Occhiali, V Van Den Boogaard
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2023
Gender and positionality: Opportunities, challenges, and ethical dilemmas in Ghana and Sierra Leone
V van den Boogaard
Women researching in Africa: The impact of gender, 257-275, 2019
Co‐financing community‐driven development through informal taxation: Evidence from south‐central Somalia
V van den Boogaard, F Santoro
Governance 36 (2), 499-531, 2023
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Articles 1–20