Alison M O'Connor
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Cited by
Mirror, mirror on the wall: Increasing young children’s honesty through inducing self-awareness
J Bender, AM O'Connor, AD Evans
Journal of experimental child psychology 167, 414-422, 2018
Dishonesty during a pandemic: The concealment of COVID-19 information
AM O’Connor, AD Evans
Journal of Health Psychology 27 (1), 236-245, 2022
The role of theory of mind and social skills in predicting children’s cheating
AM O'Connor, AD Evans
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 179, 337-347, 2019
Verbalizing a commitment reduces cheating in young children
AD Evans, AM O'Connor, K Lee
Social Development 27 (1), 87-94, 2018
Executive functions and young children’s lie-telling and lie maintenance.
AM O'Connor, VW Dykstra, AD Evans
Developmental Psychology 56 (7), 1278, 2020
The effects of self‐and other‐awareness on Chinese children's truth‐telling
XP Ding, AM O'Connor, M Weng, Q Tang, G Fu, AD Evans
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 37 (3), 323-335, 2019
Younger and older adults’ lie-detection and credibility judgments of children's coached reports
AM O'Connor, TD Lyon, AD Evans
Psychology, Crime & Law 25 (9), 925-944, 2019
Can adults discriminate between fraudulent and legitimate e-mails? Examining the role of age and prior fraud experience
AM O’Connor, RA Judges, K Lee, AD Evans
Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect 33 (3), 181-205, 2021
Examining honesty–humility and cheating behaviors across younger and older adults
AM O’Connor, RA Judges, K Lee, AD Evans
International Journal of Behavioral Development 46 (2), 112-117, 2022
The relation between having siblings and children’s cheating and lie-telling behaviors
AM O'Connor, AD Evans
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 168, 49-60, 2018
Adults’ perceptions of children’s referentially ambiguous responses
BE Wylie, TD Lyon, AM O'Connor, CL Aidy, AD Evans
Psychology, Crime & Law 25 (7), 729-738, 2019
Older adults are more approving of blunt honesty than younger adults: A cross-cultural study
AM O’Connor, DCE Kea, Q Li, XP Ding, AD Evans
Current Psychology 42 (30), 26758-26771, 2023
Perceptions of older adult jurors: the influence of aging stereotypes and jury laws
AM O’Connor, AD Evans
Psychology, Crime & Law 26 (7), 648-666, 2020
Rating the Honesty of White and Black Children via Implicit and Explicit Measures: Implications for Child Victims in the Criminal Justice System
AM O’Connor, W Hall, KL Campbell
Child maltreatment 28 (3), 450-461, 2023
Younger and older adults’ prospective memory: the role of delay task difficulty
AM O’Connor, KL Campbell, CEV Mahy
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 28 (2), 184-200, 2021
Children who disclose a minor transgression often neglect disclosing secrecy and coaching
AD Evans, AM O'Connor, KC Bruer, HL Price
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 62, 199-204, 2019
Use of global trait cues helps to explain older adults’ decrements in detecting children’s lies
AM O’Connor, TD Lyon, M Wiens, AD Evans
Legal and Criminological Psychology 27 (1), 48-62, 2022
Younger and older adults’ health lies to close others
JC Frias, AM O’Connor
The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2024
Training Humans to Detect Children's Lies Through Their Facial Expressions
AM O'Connor, J Gongola, KC Bruer, TD Lyon, AD Evans
Applied Cognitive Psychology 39 (1), e70024, 2025
Exploring the moral acceptability of older adults’ lies about their physical health, mental health, and medication adherence
AM O’Connor, AD Evans
Current Psychology 43 (37), 29399-29408, 2024
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Articles 1–20