Jimmy Calanchini
Jimmy Calanchini
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Reducing implicit racial preferences: II. Intervention effectiveness across time.
CK Lai, AL Skinner, E Cooley, S Murrar, M Brauer, T Devos, J Calanchini, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (8), 1001, 2016
Disproportionate use of lethal force in policing is associated with regional racial biases of residents
E Hehman, JK Flake, J Calanchini
Social psychological and personality science 9 (4), 393-401, 2018
Establishing construct validity evidence for regional measures of explicit and implicit racial bias.
E Hehman, J Calanchini, JK Flake, JB Leitner
Journal of experimental psychology: General 148 (6), 1022, 2019
Theory development with agent-based models
PE Smaldino, J Calanchini, CL Pickett
Organizational Psychology Review 5 (4), 300-317, 2015
Implicit attitudes reflect associative, non‐associative, and non‐attitudinal processes
J Calanchini, JW Sherman
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 7 (9), 654-667, 2013
Attitudinal and non-attitudinal components of IAT performance
J Calanchini, JW Sherman, KC Klauer, CK Lai
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40 (10), 1285-1296, 2014
Counter‐prejudicial training reduces activation of biased associations and enhances response monitoring
J Calanchini, K Gonsalkorale, JW Sherman, KC Klauer
European Journal of Social Psychology 43 (5), 321-325, 2013
Exposure to sexism can decrease implicit gender stereotype bias
MR Ramos, M Barreto, N Ellemers, M Moya, L Ferreira, J Calanchini
European Journal of Social Psychology 46 (4), 455-466, 2016
Moderators of intergroup evaluation in disadvantaged groups: A comprehensive test of predictions from system justification theory.
I Essien, J Calanchini, J Degner
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 120 (5), 1204, 2021
Reducing implicit racial preferences: III. A process-level examination of changes in implicit preferences.
J Calanchini, CK Lai, KC Klauer
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 121 (4), 796, 2021
Angry expressions induce extensive processing of persuasive appeals
J Calanchini, WG Moons, DM Mackie
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 64, 88-98, 2016
How malleable is categorization by race? Evidence for competitive category use in social categorization.
KC Klauer, F Hölzenbein, J Calanchini, JW Sherman
Journal of personality and social psychology 107 (1), 21, 2014
Process models require process measures
JW Sherman, R Krieglmeyer, J Calanchini
Dual-process theories of the social mind, 121-138, 2014
Multinomial processing trees as theoretical bridges between cognitive and social psychology
J Calanchini, AM Rivers, KC Klauer, JW Sherman
Psychology of learning and motivation 69, 39-65, 2018
Regional intergroup bias
J Calanchini, E Hehman, T Ebert, E Esposito, D Simon, L Wilson
Advances in experimental social psychology 66, 281-337, 2022
Reducing prejudice across cultures via social tuning
JLM Skorinko, J Lun, S Sinclair, SA Marotta, J Calanchini, MH Paris
Social Psychological and Personality Science 6 (4), 363-372, 2015
Using environmental features to maximize prediction of regional intergroup bias
E Hehman, EK Ofosu, J Calanchini
Social Psychological and Personality Science 12 (2), 156-164, 2021
The impact of instruction-and experience-based evaluative learning on IAT performance: A Quad model perspective
CT Smith, J Calanchini, S Hughes, P Van Dessel, J De Houwer
Cognition and Emotion, 2020
Intoxicated prejudice: The impact of alcohol consumption on implicitly and explicitly measured racial attitudes
C Loersch, BD Bartholow, M Manning, J Calanchini, JW Sherman
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 18 (2), 256-268, 2015
How multinomial processing trees have advanced, and can continue to advance, research using implicit measures
J Calanchini
Social Cognition 38 (Supplement), s165-s186, 2020
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Articles 1–20