Babak Mehran
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Cited by
Implementing Kinematic Wave Theory to Reconstruct Vehicle Trajectories from Fixed and Probe Sensor Data
B Mehran, M Kuwahara, F Naznin
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 20 (1), 144-163, 2012
Geo-spatial site suitability analysis for development of health care units in rural India: Effects on habitation accessibility, facility utilization and zonal equity in …
S Mishra, PK Sahu, AK Sarkar, B Mehran, S Sharma
Journal of Transport Geography 78, 135-149, 2019
Evaluation of the passing behavior of motorized vehicles when overtaking bicycles on urban arterial roadways
K Mehta, B Mehran, B Hellinga
Transportation Research Record 2520 (1), 8-17, 2015
Fusion of probe and fixed sensor data for short-term traffic prediction in urban signalized arterials
B Mehran, M Kuwahara
International Journal of Urban Sciences 17 (2), 163-183, 2013
Analytical models for comparing operational costs of regular bus and semi-flexible transit services
B Mehran, Y Yang, S Mishra
Public Transport, 1-23, 2020
Considering Travel Time Reliability and Safety for Evaluation of Congestion Relief Schemes on Expressway Segments
B Mehran, H Nakamura
IATSS research 33 (1), 2009
A Literature Review of Performance Metrics of Automated Driving Systems for On-Road Vehicles
MN Sharath, B Mehran
Frontiers in Future Transportation, 28, 2021
Statistical investigations of snowfall and temperature interaction with passenger car and truck traffic on primary highways in Canada
HJ Roh, PK Sahu, S Sharma, S Datla, B Mehran
Journal of Cold Regions Engineering 30 (2), 04015006, 2016
Implementing Travel Time Reliability for Evaluation of Congestion Relief Schemes on Expressways
B Mehran, H Nakamura
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2009
Modeling free-flow speed variations under adverse road-weather conditions: case of cold region highways
RGN Yasanthi, B Mehran
Case studies on transport policy 8 (1), 22-30, 2020
A multi-country survey for collecting and analyzing facts related to road traffic safety: Legislation, enforcement, and education for safer drivers
A Toriumi, G Abu-Lebdeh, W Alhajyaseen, N Christie, T Gehlert, ...
IATSS research 46 (1), 14-25, 2022
Assessment of delivery models for semi-flexible transit operation in low-demand conditions
S Mishra, B Mehran, PK Sahu
Transport Policy 99, 275-287, 2020
Implementing kinematic wave theory to reconstruct vehicle trajectories from fixed and probe sensor data
B Mehran, M Kuwahara, F Naznin
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 17, 247-268, 2011
Real-time estimation of saturation flow rates for dynamic traffic signal control using connected-vehicle data
E Bagheri, B Mehran, B Hellinga
Transportation Research Record 2487 (1), 69-77, 2015
A methodology to estimate the number of unsafe vehicle-cyclist passing events on urban arterials
K Mehta, B Mehran, B Hellinga
Accident Analysis & Prevention 124, 92-103, 2019
Analysis of Lateral Distance Between Motorized Vehicles and Cyclists During Overtaking Maneuvers
K Mehta, B Mehran, B Hellinga
Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, 2015
Data Fusion for Traffic Flow Estimation at Intersections
A Wolfermann, B Mehran, M Kuwahara
2nd International Workshop on Traffic Data Collection and its Standardization, 2011
Optimal design of integrated semi-flexible transit services in low-demand conditions
S Mishra, B Mehran
IEEE Access 11, 30591-30608, 2023
A reliability-based weather-responsive variable speed limit system to improve the safety of rural highways
RGN Yasanthi, B Mehran, WKM Alhajyaseen
Accident Analysis & Prevention 177, 106831, 2022
Spatial planning framework for development of rural activity centers: Method of location allocation, effect on trip length, and policy implications
S Mishra, PK Sahu, A Pani, B Mehran
Papers in Applied Geography 7 (4), 372-391, 2021
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Articles 1–20