Susan R Stock
Susan R Stock
Institut national de santé publique du Québec; University of Montreal; McGill University, Centre de
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Occupational dust exposure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic overview of the evidence
AD Oxman, DCF Muir, HS Shannon, SR Stock, E Hnizdo, HJ Lange
American Review of Respiratory Disease, 2012
Workplace ergonomic factors and the development of musculoskeletal disorders of the neck and upper limbs: A meta‐analysis
SR Stock
American journal of industrial medicine 19 (1), 87-107, 1991
Be the fairest of them all: challenges and recommendations for the treatment of gender in occupational health research
K Messing, L Punnett, M Bond, K Alexanderson, J Pyle, S Zahm, ...
American journal of industrial medicine 43 (6), 618-629, 2003
Cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis of a disability prevention model for back pain management: a six year follow up study
P Loisel, J Lemaire, S Poitras, MJ Durand, F Champagne, S Stock, ...
Occupational and environmental medicine 59 (12), 807-815, 2002
Management of return-to-work programs for workers with musculoskeletal disorders: a qualitative study in three Canadian provinces
R Baril, J Clarke, M Friesen, S Stock, D Cole
Social science & medicine 57 (11), 2101-2114, 2003
Reproducibility and validity of workers' self-reports of physical work demands
SR Stock, R Fernandes, A Delisle, N Vézina
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 409-437, 2005
Studying the relationship between low back pain and working postures among those who stand and those who sit most of the working day
F Tissot, K Messing, S Stock
Ergonomics 52 (11), 1402-1418, 2009
Should studies of risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders be stratified by gender? Lessons from the 1998 Quebec Health and Social Survey
K Messing, F Tissot, SR Stock
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 96-112, 2009
Distal lower-extremity pain and work postures in the Quebec population
K Messing, F Tissot, S Stock
American journal of public health 98 (4), 705-713, 2008
A clinical return-to-work rule for patients with back pain
CE Dionne, R Bourbonnais, P Frémont, M Rossignol, SR Stock, ...
Cmaj 172 (12), 1559-1567, 2005
The association between cigarette smoking and back pain in adults
SC Scott, MS Goldberg, NE Mayo, SR Stock, B Poîtras
Spine 24 (11), 1090-1098, 1999
Enquête québécoise sur des conditions de travail, d’emploi, et de santé et de sécurité du travail (EQCOTESST)
M Vézina, E Cloutier, S Stock, K Lippel, É Fortin, A Delisle, M St-Vincent, ...
Québec: Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du …, 2011
Can Dupuytren's contracture be work‐related?: Review of the evidence
GM Liss, SR Stock
American journal of industrial medicine 29 (5), 521-532, 1996
Determinants of “return to work in good health” among workers with back pain who consult in primary care settings: a 2-year prospective study
CE Dionne, R Bourbonnais, P Frémont, M Rossignol, SR Stock, ...
European Spine Journal 16, 641-655, 2007
Carpal tunnel syndrome: what is attributable to work? The Montreal study.
M Rossignol, S Stock, L Patry, B Armstrong
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 54 (7), 519-523, 1997
Are work organization interventions effective in preventing or reducing work-related musculoskeletal disorders? A systematic review of the literature
SR Stock, N Nicolakakis, N Vézina, M Vézina, L Gilbert, A Turcot, ...
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 113-133, 2018
Economic evaluations of ergonomic interventions preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review of organizational-level interventions
H Sultan-Taieb, A Parent-Lamarche, A Gaillard, S Stock, N Nicolakakis, ...
BMC public health 17, 1-13, 2017
Standing, sitting and associated working conditions in the Quebec population in 1998
F Tissot, K Messing, S Stock
Ergonomics 48 (3), 249-269, 2005
Discriminative and predictive validity assessment of the quebec task force classification
P Loisel, B Vachon, J Lemaire, MJ Durand, S Poitras, S Stock, C Tremblay
Spine 27 (8), 851-857, 2002
Review of applicability of existing functional status measures to the study of workers with musculoskeletal disorders of the neck and upper limb
SR Stock, DC Cole, P Tugwell, D Streiner
American Journal of Industrial Medicine 29 (6), 679-688, 1996
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