Geoffrey J. Gilleaudeau
Geoffrey J. Gilleaudeau
Associate Professor, George Mason University
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Extensive marine anoxia during the terminal Ediacaran Period
F Zhang, S Xiao, B Kendall, SJ Romaniello, H Cui, M Meyer, ...
Science advances 4 (6), eaan8983, 2018
Oxygenation of the mid-Proterozoic atmosphere: clues from chromium isotopes in carbonates
GJ Gilleaudeau, R Frei, AJ Kaufman, LC Kah, K Azmy, JK Bartley, ...
Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 2016
Carbon isotope records in a Mesoproterozoic epicratonic sea: carbon cycling in a low-oxygen world
GJ Gilleaudeau, LC Kah
Precambrian Research 228, 85-101, 2013
Heterogeneous redox conditions and a shallow chemocline in the Mesoproterozoic ocean: Evidence from carbon–sulfur–iron relationships
GJ Gilleaudeau, LC Kah
Precambrian Research 257, 94-108, 2015
Uranium isotope evidence for limited euxinia in mid-Proterozoic oceans
GJ Gilleaudeau, SJ Romaniello, G Luo, AJ Kaufman, F Zhang, RM Klaebe, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 521, 150-157, 2019
Mercury isotope signatures record photic zone euxinia in the Mesoproterozoic ocean
W Zheng, GJ Gilleaudeau, LC Kah, AD Anbar
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (42), 10594-10599, 2018
Oceanic molybdenum drawdown by epeiric sea expansion in the Mesoproterozoic
GJ Gilleaudeau, LC Kah
Chemical Geology 356, 21-37, 2013
The Cr-isotope signature of surface seawater—a global perspective
C Paulukat, GJ Gilleaudeau, P Chernyavskiy, R Frei
Chemical Geology 444, 101-109, 2016
Oxygenation variations in the atmosphere and shallow seawaters of the Yangtze Platform during the Ediacaran Period: Clues from Cr-isotope and Ce-anomaly in carbonates
W Wei, R Frei, GJ Gilleaudeau, D Li, GY Wei, X Chen, HF Ling
Precambrian Research 313, 78-90, 2018
Biomarker evidence of algal-microbial community changes linked to redox and salinity variation, Upper Devonian Chattanooga Shale (Tennessee, USA)
Y Song, GJ Gilleaudeau, TJ Algeo, DJ Over, TW Lyons, AD Anbar, S Xie
GSA Bulletin 133 (1-2), 409-424, 2021
Redox fluctuations in the Early Ordovician oceans: An insight from chromium stable isotopes
J D'Arcy, GJ Gilleaudeau, S Peralta, C Gaucher, R Frei
Chemical Geology 448, 1-12, 2017
Proterozoic carbonates of the Vindhyan Basin, India: Chemostratigraphy and diagenesis
GJ Gilleaudeau, SK Sahoo, LC Kah, MA Henderson, AJ Kaufman
Gondwana Research 57, 10-25, 2018
The sedimentary geochemistry and paleoenvironments project
ÚC Farrell, R Samawi, S Anjanappa, R Klykov, OO Adeboye, H Agic, ...
Geobiology 19 (6), 545-556, 2021
Conodont biostratigraphy and magnetic susceptibility of Upper Devonian Chattanooga Shale, eastern United States: Evidence for episodic deposition and disconformities
DJ Over, E Hauf, J Wallace, J Chiarello, JS Over, GJ Gilleaudeau, Y Song, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 524, 137-149, 2019
Variations of redox conditions in the atmosphere and Yangtze Platform during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition: Constraints from Cr isotopes and Ce anomalies
W Wei, R Frei, GJ Gilleaudeau, D Li, GY Wei, F Huang, HF Ling
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 543, 109598, 2020
Major Early-Middle Devonian oceanic oxygenation linked to early land plant evolution detected using high-resolution U isotopes of marine limestones
M Elrick, GJ Gilleaudeau, SJ Romaniello, TJ Algeo, JL Morford, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 581, 117410, 2022
Novel watermass reconstruction in the Early Mississippian Appalachian Seaway based on integrated proxy records of redox and salinity
GJ Gilleaudeau, TJ Algeo, TW Lyons, S Bates, AD Anbar
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 558, 116746, 2021
Stable isotope records across the Cretaceous-Paleogene transition, Stevns Klint, Denmark: New insights from the chromium isotope system
GJ Gilleaudeau, AR Voegelin, N Thibault, J Moreau, CV Ullmann, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 235, 305-332, 2018
Molybdenum isotope and trace metal signals in an iron-rich Mesoproterozoic ocean: A snapshot from the Vindhyan Basin, India
GJ Gilleaudeau, SK Sahoo, CM Ostrander, JD Owens, SW Poulton, ...
Precambrian Research 343, 105718, 2020
A diverse Ediacara assemblage survived under low-oxygen conditions
LB Cherry, GJ Gilleaudeau, DV Grazhdankin, SJ Romaniello, AJ Martin, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 7306, 2022
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Articles 1–20