Babak Fotouhi
Cited by
Cited by
Evolutionary dynamics on any population structure
BA Allen, G Lippner, YT Chen, B Fotouhi, N Momeni, ST Yau, M Nowak
Nature 544, 227-230, 2017
Evolution of cooperation on large networks with community structure
B Fotouhi, N Momeni, B Allen, MA Nowak
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16 (152), 20180677, 2019
Conjoining uncooperative societies facilitates evolution of cooperation
B Fotouhi, N Momeni, B Allen, MA Nowak
Nature Human Behaviour 2 (7), 492-499, 2018
A Large-Scale Test of Gender Bias in the Media
E Shor, A van de Rijt, B Fotouhi
Sociological Science 6, 526-550, 2019
Degree Correlation in Scale-Free Graphs
B Fotouhi, M Rabbat
The European Physical Journal B 86, Article Number: 510, 2013
Statistical methods for constructing disease comorbidity networks from longitudinal inpatient data
B Fotouhi, N Momeni, MA Riolo, DL Buckeridge
Applied network science 3 (1), 46, 2018
Generalized Friendship Paradox: An Analytical Approach
B Fotouhi, N Momeni, MG Rabbat
Social Informatics, 339--352, 2014
The Effect of Exogenous Inputs and Defiant Agents on Opinion Dynamics With Local and Global Interactions
B Fotouhi, MG Rabbat
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 7 (2), 347-357, 2013
Network growth with arbitrary initial conditions: Degree dynamics for uniform and preferential attachment
B Fotouhi, MG Rabbat
Physical Review E 88 (6), 062801, 2013
Growing multiplex networks with arbitrary number of layers
N Momeni, B Fotouhi
Physical Review E 92 (6), 062812, 2015
Social learning, influence, and ethnomedicine: Individual, neighborhood and social network influences on attachment to an ethnomedical cultural model in rural Senegal
J Sandberg, C Park, S Rytina, V Delaunay, L Douillot, Y Boujija, SB Gning, ...
Social Science & Medicine 226, 87-95, 2019
Migration in a small world: A network approach to modeling immigration processes
B Fotouhi, MG Rabbat
2012 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2012
The Niakhar Social Networks and Health Project
V Delaunay, L Douillot, S Rytina, Y Boujija, S Bignami, SB Gning, ...
MethodsX 6, 1360-1369, 2019
Voter Model with Arbitrary Degree Dependence: Clout, Confidence and Irreversibility
B Fotouhi, M Rabbat
The European Physical Journal B 87, Article Number: 55, 2013
Temporal dynamics of connectivity and epidemic properties of growing networks
B Fotouhi, MK Shirkoohi
Physical Review E 93 (1), 012301, 2016
Dynamics of influence on hierarchical structures
B Fotouhi, MG Rabbat
Physical Review E 88 (2), 022105, 2013
Temporal evolution of the degree distribution of alters in growing networks
B Fotouhi, M Rabbat
Network Science 6 (1), 97-155, 2018
Inter-layer Degree Correlations in Heterogeneously Growing Multiplex Networks
B Fotouhi, N Momeni
Complex Networks VI, 159-170, 2015
Effect of node attributes on the temporal dynamics of network structure
N Momeni, B Fotouhi
Physical Review E 95 (3), 032304, 2017
Complex networks: dynamism of connectivity and opinion
B Fotouhi
McGill University, 2014
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Articles 1–20