Yue Qian
Cited by
Cited by
Anti-Asian discrimination and the Asian-white mental health gap during COVID-19
C Wu, Y Qian, R Wilkes
Race and Ethnicity in Pandemic Times, 101-117, 2021
The gendered pandemic: The implications of COVID-19 for work and family
JE Yavorsky, Y Qian, AC Sargent
Working in America, 305-317, 2022
COVID-19 and the gender employment gap among parents of young children
Y Qian, S Fuller
Canadian public policy 46 (S2), S89-S101, 2020
Who loses income during the COVID-19 outbreak? Evidence from China
Y Qian, W Fan
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 68, 100522, 2020
Division of labor, gender ideology, and marital satisfaction in East Asia
Y Qian, LC Sayer
Journal of Marriage and Family 78 (2), 383-400, 2016
The gender divide in urban China: Singlehood and assortative mating by age and education
Y Qian, Z Qian
Demographic Research 31, 1337-1364, 2014
Gender asymmetry in educational and income assortative marriage
Y Qian
Journal of Marriage and Family 79 (2), 318-336, 2017
COVID-19 and adolescent mental health in the United Kingdom
Y Hu, Y Qian
Journal of Adolescent Health 69 (1), 26-32, 2021
Women in the one percent: Gender dynamics in top income positions
JE Yavorsky, LA Keister, Y Qian, M Nau
American Sociological Review 84 (1), 54-81, 2019
Covid-19 and the gender gap in employment among parents of young children in Canada
S Fuller, Y Qian
Gender & Society 35 (2), 206-217, 2021
Work, Family, and Gendered Happiness Among Married People in Urban China
Y Qian, Z Qian
Social Indicators Research, 2014
How did Wuhan residents cope with a 76-day lockdown?
Y Qian, A Hanser
Chinese Sociological Review 53 (1), 55-86, 2021
Women's fertility autonomy in urban China: The role of couple dynamics under the universal two-child policy
Y Qian, Y Jin
Fertility and Childcare in East Asia, 195-225, 2024
Long-term health and socioeconomic consequences of early-life exposure to the 1959–1961 Chinese Famine
W Fan, Y Qian
Social Science Research 49, 53-69, 2015
Men and women at work: Occupational gender composition and affective well-being in the United States
Y Qian, W Fan
Journal of Happiness Studies 20 (7), 2077-2099, 2019
Assortative Mating by Education and Hukou in Shanghai
Y Qian, Z Qian
Chinese Sociological Review 49 (3), 239-262, 2017
Separating spheres
Y Qian, J Li
China Review 20 (2), 19-52, 2020
COVID-19, inter-household contact and mental well-being among older adults in the US and the UK
Y Hu, Y Qian
Frontiers in Sociology 6, 714626, 2021
Couples' changing work patterns in the United Kingdom and the United States during the COVID‐19 pandemic
Y Qian, Y Hu
Gender, Work & Organization 28, 535-553, 2021
Acute discrimination and East Asian-white mental health gap during COVID-19 in Canada
C Wu, R Wilkes, Y Qian, EB Kennedy
Available at SSRN 3626460, 2020
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Articles 1–20