Malcolm Childress
Malcolm Childress
Global Land Alliance
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Cited by
Incorporating land tenure security into conservation
BE Robinson, YJ Masuda, A Kelly, MB Holland, C Bedford, M Childress, ...
Conservation Letters 11 (2), e12383, 2018
Influence of land tenure interventions on human well-being and environmental outcomes
TWJ Tseng, BE Robinson, MF Bellemare, A BenYishay, A Blackman, ...
Nature Sustainability 4 (3), 242-251, 2021
How does gender affect the perceived security of land and property rights? Evidence from 33 countries
J Feyertag, M Childress, I Langdown, A Locke, D Nizalov
Land Use Policy 104, 105299, 2021
Membership desertion as an adjustment process on Honduran agrarian reform enterprises
BL Barham, M Childress
Economic Development and Cultural Change 40 (3), 587-613, 1992
Asset-pooling in uncertain times: Implications of small-group farming for agricultural restructuring in the Kyrgyz Republic
R Sabates-Wheeler, MD Childress
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2004
How do practitioners characterize land tenure security?
YJ Masuda, AC Kelly, BE Robinson, MB Holland, C Bedford, M Childress, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 2 (5), e186, 2020
Regional study on land administration, land markets, and collateralized lending
M Childress
The World Bank, 2004
Land consolidation and agricultural services in Albania
M Childress
Centre for the Study of Transition and Development (CESTRAD) Conference …, 2001
El Salvador agricultural policy analysis: land tenure study
MA Seligson, W Thiesenhusen, M Childress, R Vidales
Report to the United States Agency for International Development, 1993
Linking land policy with climate change: A multi-dimensional landscape approach to territorial development with a focus on the europe and central asia (eca) region
MD Childress, P Siegel, M Törhönen
Second Central Asia Climate Knowledge Forum,“Moving Towards Regional Climate …, 2014
Influence of land tenure interventions on human well-being and environmental outcomes. Nat. Sustain. 4, 242–251
TWJ Tseng, BE Robinson, MF Bellemare, A BenYishay, A Blackman, ...
Capital investment on smallholder coffee farms: An empirical study from Honduras
M Childress
World Bank Environmental Paper, 1994
Fit-for-purpose, private-sector led land regularization and financing of informal settlements in Brazil
M Childress, S Carter, E Barki
Land 10 (8), 797, 2021
Land tenure and land management issues for REDD preparation in Guyana: framing the agenda for policy discussion
M Childress
Annual World Bank Conference on Land Policy and Administration, 26-27, 2010
Land policies for growth and poverty reduction: Recent experiences with policies to improve land access and land distribution
M Childress, K Deininger
Keynote Address to the International Conference on Land, Poverty, Social …, 2006
Agrarian Research Institutes and Civil Society in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
MD Childress
UNRISD, 2004
People-Land Relationships on the Path to Sustainable Food Security
M Childress, P Choudhury, J Sanjak
Land Tenure Security and Sustainable Development, 101-130, 2022
Incorporating land tenure security into conservation. Conservation Letters 11, 2: e12383
BE Robinson, YJ Masuda, A Kelly, MB Holland, C Bedford, M Childress, ...
Incorporating land tenure security into conservation. Conserv. Lett. 11, 1–12
BE Robinson, YJ Masuda, A Kelly, MB Holland, C Bedford, M Childress, ...
Agricultural land tax, land-use intensification, local development, and land market reform
MD Childress, A Hilton, D Solomon, R van den Brink
AGRlCULTURAL, 311, 2009
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Articles 1–20