Aliaksandr Birukou (Александр Бирюков)
Aliaksandr Birukou (Александр Бирюков)
Springer Nature
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A formal definition of culture of a set of agents: the version without states
A Birukou, E Blanzieri, P Giorgini, F Giunchiglia, 2009
A formal definition of culture
A Birukou, E Blanzieri, P Giorgini, F Giunchiglia
Models for Intercultural Collaboration and Negotiation, 1-26, 2013
A formal definition of culture
A Birukou, E Blanzieri, P Giorgini, F Giunchiglia
Workshop on Modeling Intercultural Collaboration and Negotiation (MICON) at …, 2009
Peer review and gender bias: A study on 145 scholarly journals
F Squazzoni, G Bravo, M Farjam, A Marusic, B Mehmani, M Willis, ...
Science advances 7 (2), eabd0299, 2021
Alternatives to peer review: novel approaches for research evaluation
A Birukou, JR Wakeling, C Bartolini, F Casati, M Marchese, K Mirylenka, ...
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 5, 2011
Implicit: An agent-based recommendation system for web search
A Birukov, E Blanzieri, P Giorgini
Proceedings of the fourth international joint conference on Autonomous …, 2005
Arbitrariness in the peer review process
ES Brezis, A Birukou
Scientometrics 123 (1), 393-411, 2020
Web service discovery based on past user experience
N Kokash, A Birukou, V D’Andrea
International Conference on Business Information Systems, 95-107, 2007
The computer science ontology: A comprehensive automatically-generated taxonomy of research areas
AA Salatino, T Thanapalasingam, A Mannocci, A Birukou, F Osborne, ...
Data Intelligence 2 (3), 379-416, 2020
Improving web service discovery with usage data
A Birukou, E Blanzieri, V D'Andrea, P Giorgini, N Kokash
IEEE SOFTWARE, 47-54, 2007
Automatic classification of springer nature proceedings with smart topic miner
F Osborne, A Salatino, A Birukou, E Motta
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2016: 15th International Semantic Web Conference, Kobe …, 2016
Hidden connections: Network effects on editorial decisions in four computer science journals
G Bravo, M Farjam, FG Moreno, A Birukou, F Squazzoni
Journal of Informetrics 12 (1), 101-112, 2018
An integrated solution for runtime compliance governance in SOA
A Birukou, V D’Andrea, F Leymann, J Serafinski, P Silveira, S Strauch, ...
8th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC'10), 122-136, 2010
An integrated solution for runtime compliance governance in SOA
A Birukou, A Betkowska Cavalcante, F Casati, SR Chowdhury, ...
8th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC'10), 706-707, 2010
Unlock ways to share data on peer review
F Squazzoni, P Ahrweiler, T Barros, F Bianchi, A Birukou, HJJ Blom, ...
Nature 578 (7796), 512-514, 2020
A Survey of Existing Approaches for Pattern Search and Selection
A Birukou
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs …, 2010
Ontology-based recommendation of editorial products
T Thanapalasingam, F Osborne, A Birukou, E Motta
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2018: 17th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2018
Modeling the access to a wireless network at hot spots
L Breuer, V Klimenok, A Birukov, A Dudin, UR Krieger
European Transactions on Telecommunications 16 (4), 309-316, 2005
Aiding compliance governance in service-based business processes
P Silveira, C Rodrguez, A Birukou, F Casati, F Daniel, V D’Andrea, ...
Non-Functional Properties for Service-Oriented Systems: Future Directions …, 2011
Addressing information overload in the scientific community
M Baez, A Birukou, F Casati, M Marchese
IEEE Internet Computing 14 (6), 31-38, 2010
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Articles 1–20