Martin Bernier
Martin Bernier
Full professor, COPL, Laval University
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Femtosecond fiber lasers reach the mid-infrared
S Duval, M Bernier, V Fortin, J Genest, M Piché, R Vallée
Optica 2 (7), 623-626, 2015
Towards power scaling of 2.8 μm fiber lasers
YO Aydin, V Fortin, R Vallée, M Bernier
Optics letters 43 (18), 4542-4545, 2018
30 W fluoride glass all-fiber laser at 2.94 μm
V Fortin, M Bernier, ST Bah, R Vallée
Optics Letters 40 (12), 2882-2885, 2015
20 W passively cooled single-mode all-fiber laser at 2.8 μm
D Faucher, M Bernier, G Androz, N Caron, R Vallée
Optics letters 36 (7), 1104-1106, 2011
Bragg gratings photoinduced in ZBLAN fibers by femtosecond pulses at 800 nm
M Bernier, D Faucher, R Vallée, A Saliminia, G Androz, Y Sheng, SL Chin
Optics letters 32 (5), 454-456, 2007
Room-temperature fiber laser at 3.92 μm
F Maes, V Fortin, S Poulain, M Poulain, JY Carrée, M Bernier, R Vallée
Optica 5 (7), 761-764, 2018
Watt-level fiber-based femtosecond laser source tunable from 2.8 to 3.6 μm
S Duval, JC Gauthier, LR Robichaud, P Paradis, M Olivier, V Fortin, ...
Optics letters 41 (22), 5294-5297, 2016
Mid-infrared chalcogenide glass Raman fiber laser
M Bernier, V Fortin, N Caron, M El-Amraoui, Y Messaddeq, R Vallée
Optics letters 38 (2), 127-129, 2013
3.77 μm fiber laser based on cascaded Raman gain in a chalcogenide glass fiber
M Bernier, V Fortin, M El-Amraoui, Y Messaddeq, R Vallée
Optics letters 39 (7), 2052-2055, 2014
10-W-level monolithic dysprosium-doped fiber laser at 3.24 μm
V Fortin, F Jobin, M Larose, M Bernier, R Vallée
Optics letters 44 (3), 491-494, 2019
5.6 W monolithic fiber laser at 3.55 μm
F Maes, V Fortin, M Bernier, R Vallée
Optics Letters 42 (11), 2054-2057, 2017
Watt-level erbium-doped all-fiber laser at 3.44 μm
V Fortin, F Maes, M Bernier, ST Bah, M D’Auteuil, R Vallée
Optics letters 41 (3), 559-562, 2016
Diode-pumped mid-infrared fiber laser with 50% slope efficiency
YO Aydın, V Fortin, F Maes, F Jobin, SD Jackson, R Vallée, M Bernier
Optica 4 (2), 235-238, 2017
Mid-IR supercontinuum from 2.4 to 5.4 μm in a low-loss fluoroindate fiber
JC Gauthier, V Fortin, JY Carrée, S Poulain, M Poulain, R Vallée, ...
Optics Letters 41 (8), 1756-1759, 2016
High mechanical strength fiber Bragg gratings made with infrared femtosecond pulses and a phase mask
M Bernier, F Trépanier, J Carrier, R Vallée
Optics letters 39 (12), 3646-3649, 2014
Erbium-doped all-fiber laser at 2.94 μm
D Faucher, M Bernier, N Caron, R Vallée
Optics letters 34 (21), 3313-3315, 2009
Femtosecond FBG written through the coating for sensing applications
J Habel, T Boilard, JS Frenière, F Trépanier, M Bernier
Sensors 17 (11), 2519, 2017
Understanding the fiber tip thermal runaway present in 3µm fluoride glass fiber lasers
N Caron, M Bernier, D Faucher, R Vallée
Optics express 20 (20), 22188-22194, 2012
Fiber Bragg grating stabilization of a passively mode-locked 2.8  μm Er3+: fluoride glass fiber laser
A Haboucha, V Fortin, M Bernier, J Genest, Y Messaddeq, R Vallée
Optics letters 39 (11), 3294-3297, 2014
Ultrafast Dy3+:fluoride fiber laser beyond 3 μm
Y Wang, F Jobin, S Duval, V Fortin, P Laporta, M Bernier, G Galzerano, ...
Optics letters 44 (2), 395-398, 2019
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