Christian Bocti
Christian Bocti
Professor, Neurology, Université de Sherbrooke
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Brain fuel metabolism, aging, and Alzheimer’s disease
S Cunnane, S Nugent, M Roy, A Courchesne-Loyer, E Croteau, ...
Nutrition 27 (1), 3-20, 2011
Progress toward standardized diagnosis of vascular cognitive impairment: guidelines from the vascular impairment of cognition classification consensus study
OA Skrobot, SE Black, C Chen, C DeCarli, T Erkinjuntti, GA Ford, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 14 (3), 280-292, 2018
Diagnosis and treatment of dementia: 3. Mild cognitive impairment and cognitive impairment without dementia
H Chertkow, F Massoud, Z Nasreddine, S Belleville, Y Joanette, C Bocti, ...
Cmaj 178 (10), 1273-1285, 2008
Intravenous tenecteplase compared with alteplase for acute ischaemic stroke in Canada (AcT): a pragmatic, multicentre, open-label, registry-linked, randomised, controlled, non …
BK Menon, BH Buck, N Singh, Y Deschaintre, MA Almekhlafi, SB Coutts, ...
The Lancet 400 (10347), 161-169, 2022
A cross-sectional comparison of brain glucose and ketone metabolism in cognitively healthy older adults, mild cognitive impairment and early Alzheimer's disease
E Croteau, CA Castellano, M Fortier, C Bocti, T Fulop, N Paquet, ...
Experimental gerontology 107, 18-26, 2018
β-Amyloid peptides display protective activity against the human Alzheimer’s disease-associated herpes simplex virus-1
K Bourgade, H Garneau, G Giroux, AY Le Page, C Bocti, G Dupuis, ...
Biogerontology 16, 85-98, 2015
The vascular impairment of cognition classification consensus study
OA Skrobot, J O'Brien, S Black, C Chen, C DeCarli, T Erkinjuntti, GA Ford, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 13 (6), 624-633, 2017
Can ketones help rescue brain fuel supply in later life? Implications for cognitive health during aging and the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
SC Cunnane, A Courchesne-Loyer, C Vandenberghe, V St-Pierre, ...
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 9, 198347, 2016
Can an infection hypothesis explain the beta amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease?
T Fulop, JM Witkowski, K Bourgade, A Khalil, E Zerif, A Larbi, K Hirokawa, ...
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 10, 224, 2018
A new visual rating scale to assess strategic white matter hyperintensities within cholinergic pathways in dementia
C Bocti, RH Swartz, FQ Gao, DJ Sahlas, P Behl, SE Black
Stroke 36 (10), 2126-2131, 2005
Lower Brain 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Uptake But Normal 11C-Acetoacetate Metabolism in Mild Alzheimer's Disease Dementia
CA Castellano, S Nugent, N Paquet, S Tremblay, C Bocti, G Lacombe, ...
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 43 (4), 1343-1353, 2014
A ketogenic drink improves brain energy and some measures of cognition in mild cognitive impairment
M Fortier, CA Castellano, E Croteau, F Langlois, C Bocti, V St-Pierre, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 15 (5), 625-634, 2019
The pathological basis of temporal lobe epilepsy in childhood
C Bocti, Y Robitaille, P Diadori, A Lortie, C Mercier, A Bouthillier, ...
Neurology 60 (2), 191-195, 2003
Protective effect of amyloid-β peptides against herpes simplex virus-1 infection in a neuronal cell culture model
K Bourgade, A Le Page, C Bocti, JM Witkowski, G Dupuis, EH Frost, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 50 (4), 1227-1241, 2016
Ketogenic medium chain triglycerides increase brain energy metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease
E Croteau, CA Castellano, MA Richard, M Fortier, S Nugent, M Lepage, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 64 (2), 551-561, 2018
A ketogenic drink improves cognition in mild cognitive impairment: results of a 6‐month RCT
M Fortier, CA Castellano, V St‐Pierre, É Myette‐Côté, F Langlois, M Roy, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 17 (3), 543-552, 2021
Multicenter validation of an MMSE‐Mo CA conversion table
D Bergeron, K Flynn, L Verret, S Poulin, RW Bouchard, C Bocti, T Fülöp, ...
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 65 (5), 1067-1072, 2017
Brain glucose and acetoacetate metabolism: a comparison of young and older adults
S Nugent, S Tremblay, KW Chen, N Ayutyanont, A Roontiva, ...
Neurobiology of aging 35 (6), 1386-1395, 2014
Strategic subcortical hyperintensities in cholinergic pathways and executive function decline in treated Alzheimer patients
P Behl, C Bocti, RH Swartz, FQ Gao, DJ Sahlas, KL Lanctot, DL Streiner, ...
Archives of Neurology 64 (2), 266-272, 2007
Generalized anxiety disorder in primary care: mental health services use and treatment adequacy
P Roberge, F Normand-Lauzière, I Raymond, M Luc, ...
BMC family practice 16, 1-11, 2015
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Articles 1–20