John Zettel
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Can use of walkers or canes impede lateral compensatory stepping movements?
H Bateni, E Heung, J Zettel, WE Mcllroy, BE Maki
Gait & posture 20 (1), 74-83, 2004
Reducing fall risk by improving balance control: Development, evaluation and knowledge-translation of new approaches
BE Maki, KM Sibley, SB Jaglal, M Bayley, D Brooks, GR Fernie, AJ Flint, ...
Journal of safety research 42 (6), 473-485, 2011
Environmental constraints on foot trajectory reveal the capacity for modulation of anticipatory postural adjustments during rapid triggered stepping reactions
JL Zettel, WE McIlroy, BE Maki
Experimental brain research 146, 38-47, 2002
Determinants and consequences for standing balance of spontaneous weight-bearing on the paretic side among individuals with chronic stroke
A Mansfield, CJ Danells, JL Zettel, SE Black, WE McIlroy
Gait & posture 38 (3), 428-432, 2013
Redirection of gaze and switching of attention during rapid stepping reactions evoked by unpredictable postural perturbation
JL Zettel, A Holbeche, WE McIlroy, BE Maki
Experimental brain research 165, 392-401, 2005
Can stabilizing features of rapid triggered stepping reactions be modulated to meet environmental constraints?
JL Zettel, WE McIlroy, BE Maki
Experimental brain research 145, 297-308, 2002
Effect of competing attentional demands on perturbation-evoked stepping reactions and associated gaze behavior in young and older adults
JL Zettel, WE McIlroy, BE Maki
The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical …, 2008
Gaze behavior governing balance recovery in an unfamiliar and complex environment
JL Zettel, CY Scovil, WE McIlroy, BE Maki
Neuroscience Letters 422 (3), 207-212, 2007
Stepping responses in young and older adults following a perturbation to the support surface during gait
EI McIntosh, JL Zettel, LA Vallis
Journal of motor behavior 49 (3), 288-298, 2017
Vision can recalibrate the vestibular reafference signal used to re-establish postural equilibrium following a platform perturbation
AJ Toth, LR Harris, J Zettel, LR Bent
Experimental brain research 235, 407-414, 2017
Effect of aging on dynamic postural stability and variability during a multi-directional lean and reach object transportation task
AH Huntley, JL Zettel, LA Vallis
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 66, 154-160, 2016
Stepping to recover balance in complex environments: is online visual control of the foot motion necessary or sufficient?
CY Scovil, JL Zettel, BE Maki
Neuroscience letters 445 (1), 108-112, 2008
Gaze behavior of older adults during rapid balance-recovery reactions
JL Zettel, WE McIlroy, BE Maki
The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical …, 2008
Perception of Biology Instructors on Using Student Evaluations to Inform Their Teaching.
G Newton, K Poung, A Laila, Z Bye, W Bettger, K Cottenie, J Dawson, ...
International Journal of Higher Education 8 (1), 133-147, 2019
Experimentally induced central sensitization in the cervical spine evokes postural stiffening strategies in healthy young adults
AH Huntley, JZ Srbely, JL Zettel
Gait & Posture 41 (2), 652-657, 2015
Older adults exhibit altered motor coordination during an upper limb object transport task requiring a lateral change in support
AH Huntley, JL Zettel, LA Vallis
Human movement science 52, 133-142, 2017
The influence of countermovements on inter-segmental coordination and mechanical energy transfer during vertical jumping
DH Frayne, JL Zettel, TAC Beach, SHM Brown
Journal of motor behavior 53 (5), 545-557, 2021
4.16 Visual behavior governing rapid stepping reactionsevoked in the presence of dynamic and unpredictable obstacles
JL Zettel, WE Mc Ilroy, BE Maki
Gait & Posture, S21, 2005
Simultaneous turn and step task for investigating control strategies in healthy young and community dwelling older adults
AH Huntley, JL Zettel, LA Vallis
Motor Control 21 (3), 265-283, 2017
Effects of temporal and spatial cueing on anticipatory postural control in a rapid interceptive task
AH Huntley, JL Zettel
Neuroscience Letters 592, 82-87, 2015
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Articles 1–20