Andrei Smolyakov
Andrei Smolyakov
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Nonlinear evolution of tearing modes in inhomogeneous plasmas
AI Smolyakov
Plasma physics and controlled fusion 35 (6), 657, 1993
Rotating nonlinear magnetic islands in a tokamak plasma
AI Smolyakov, A Hirose, E Lazzaro, GB Re, JD Callen
Physics of Plasmas 2 (5), 1581-1598, 1995
Zonal flow generation by parametric instability in magnetized plasmas and geostrophic fluids
AI Smolyakov, PH Diamond, VI Shevchenko
Physics of Plasmas 7 (5), 1349-1351, 2000
Coherent structure phenomena in drift wave–zonal flow turbulence
AI Smolyakov, PH Diamond, M Malkov
Physical review letters 84 (3), 491, 2000
Secondary instability in drift wave turbulence as a mechanism for zonal flow and avalanche formation
PH Diamond, S Champeaux, M Malkov, A Das, I Gruzinov, ...
Nuclear fusion 41 (8), 1067, 2001
Kinetic effects in a Hall thruster discharge
ID Kaganovich, Y Raitses, D Sydorenko, A Smolyakov
Physics of Plasmas 14 (5), 2007
Physics of EŚ B discharges relevant to plasma propulsion and similar technologies
ID Kaganovich, A Smolyakov, Y Raitses, E Ahedo, IG Mikellides, B Jorns, ...
Physics of Plasmas 27 (12), 2020
Kinetic simulation of secondary electron emission effects in Hall thrusters
D Sydorenko, A Smolyakov, I Kaganovich, Y Raitses
Physics of Plasmas 13 (1), 2006
Screening of resonant magnetic perturbations by flows in tokamaks
M Becoulet, F Orain, P Maget, N Mellet, X Garbet, E Nardon, ...
Nuclear Fusion 52 (5), 054003, 2012
Fluid theory and simulations of instabilities, turbulent transport and coherent structures in partially-magnetized plasmas of discharges
AI Smolyakov, O Chapurin, W Frias, O Koshkarov, I Romadanov, T Tang, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59 (1), 014041, 2016
Breakdown of a space charge limited regime of a sheath in a weakly collisional plasma bounded by walls with secondary electron emission
D Sydorenko, I Kaganovich, Y Raitses, A Smolyakov
Physical review letters 103 (14), 145004, 2009
Generalized action invariants for drift waves-zonal flow systems
AI Smolyakov, PH Diamond
Physics of Plasmas 6 (12), 4410-4413, 1999
2D axial-azimuthal particle-in-cell benchmark for low-temperature partially magnetized plasmas
T Charoy, JP Boeuf, A Bourdon, JA Carlsson, P Chabert, B Cuenot, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28 (10), 105010, 2019
Plateau regime dynamics of the relaxation of poloidal rotation in tokamak plasmas
VB Lebedev, PN Yushmanov, PH Diamond, SV Novakovskii, ...
Physics of Plasmas 3 (8), 3023-3031, 1996
Effect of Secondary Electron Emission on Electron Cross-Field Current in Discharges
Y Raitses, ID Kaganovich, A Khrabrov, D Sydorenko, NJ Fisch, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39 (4), 995-1006, 2011
Long wavelength gradient drift instability in Hall plasma devices. I. Fluid theory
W Frias, AI Smolyakov, ID Kaganovich, Y Raitses
Physics of Plasmas 19 (7), 2012
The features of the global GAM in OH and ECRH plasmas in the T-10 tokamak
AV Melnikov, LG Eliseev, SV Perfilov, SE Lysenko, RV Shurygin, ...
Nuclear Fusion 55 (6), 063001, 2015
Nonlinear structures and anomalous transport in partially magnetized EŚ B plasmas
S Janhunen, A Smolyakov, O Chapurin, D Sydorenko, I Kaganovich, ...
Physics of Plasmas 25 (1), 2018
On neutral wind and blob motion in linear devices
SI Krasheninnikov, AI Smolyakov
Physics of Plasmas 10 (7), 3020-3021, 2003
Evolution of the electron cyclotron drift instability in two-dimensions
S Janhunen, A Smolyakov, D Sydorenko, M Jimenez, I Kaganovich, ...
Physics of Plasmas 25 (8), 2018
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Articles 1–20