Juliana M. Huzzey
Juliana M. Huzzey
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Prepartum behavior and dry matter intake identify dairy cows at risk for metritis
JM Huzzey, DM Veira, DM Weary, MAG Von Keyserlingk
Journal of dairy science 90 (7), 3220-3233, 2007
Board-invited review: Using behavior to predict and identify ill health in animals
DM Weary, JM Huzzey, MAG Von Keyserlingk
Journal of animal science 87 (2), 770-777, 2009
Stocking density and feed barrier design affect the feeding and social behavior of dairy cattle
JM Huzzey, TJ DeVries, P Valois, MAG Von Keyserlingk
Journal of dairy science 89 (1), 126-133, 2006
Haptoglobin as an early indicator of metritis
JM Huzzey, TF Duffield, SJ LeBlanc, DM Veira, DM Weary, ...
Journal of dairy science 92 (2), 621-625, 2009
General principles for the welfare of animals in production systems: the underlying science and its application
D Fraser, IJH Duncan, SA Edwards, T Grandin, NG Gregory, V Guyonnet, ...
The Veterinary Journal 198 (1), 19-27, 2013
Associations of subclinical hypocalcemia at calving with milk yield, and feeding, drinking, and standing behaviors around parturition in Holstein cows
PE Jawor, JM Huzzey, SJ LeBlanc, MAG Von Keyserlingk
Journal of dairy science 95 (3), 1240-1248, 2012
Clinical ketosis and standing behavior in transition cows
AJ Itle, JM Huzzey, DM Weary, MAG Von Keyserlingk
Journal of Dairy Science 98 (1), 128-134, 2015
Associations of prepartum plasma cortisol, haptoglobin, fecal cortisol metabolites, and nonesterified fatty acids with postpartum health status in Holstein dairy cows
JM Huzzey, DV Nydam, RJ Grant, TR Overton
Journal of dairy science 94 (12), 5878-5889, 2011
The effect of dystocia on the dry matter intake and behavior of Holstein cows
KL Proudfoot, JM Huzzey, MAG Von Keyserlingk
Journal of dairy science 92 (10), 4937-4944, 2009
Behavioral changes before metritis diagnosis in dairy cows
HW Neave, J Lomb, DM Weary, SJ LeBlanc, JM Huzzey, ...
Journal of dairy science 101 (5), 4388-4399, 2018
Associations of peripartum markers of stress and inflammation with milk yield and reproductive performance in Holstein dairy cows
JM Huzzey, S Mann, DV Nydam, RJ Grant, TR Overton
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 120 (3-4), 291-297, 2015
The effects of overstocking Holstein dairy cattle during the dry period on cortisol secretion and energy metabolism
JM Huzzey, DV Nydam, RJ Grant, TR Overton
Journal of Dairy Science 95 (8), 4421-4433, 2012
Automatic detection of social competition using an electronic feeding system
JM Huzzey, DM Weary, BYF Tiau, MAG Von Keyserlingk
Journal of dairy science 97 (5), 2953-2958, 2014
Relationship between competitive success during displacements at an overstocked feed bunk and measures of physiology and behavior in Holstein dairy cattle
JM Huzzey, RJ Grant, TR Overton
Journal of dairy science 95 (8), 4434-4441, 2012
Behaviour, illness and management during the periparturient period in dairy cows
P Sepúlveda-Varas, JM Huzzey, DM Weary, MAG Von Keyserlingk
Animal production science 53 (9), 988-999, 2013
Graduate Student Literature Review: Evaluating the appropriate use of wearable accelerometers in research to monitor lying behaviors of dairy cows
SJ Hendriks, CVC Phyn, JM Huzzey, KR Mueller, SA Turner, DJ Donaghy, ...
Journal of dairy science 103 (12), 12140-12157, 2020
Lying behavior and activity during the transition period of clinically healthy grazing dairy cows
SJ Hendriks, CVC Phyn, SA Turner, KM Mueller, B Kuhn-Sherlock, ...
Journal of dairy science 102 (8), 7371-7384, 2019
Changes in feeding, social, and lying behaviors in dairy cows with metritis following treatment with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug as adjunctive treatment to an …
J Lomb, HW Neave, DM Weary, SJ LeBlanc, JM Huzzey, ...
Journal of dairy science 101 (5), 4400-4411, 2018
Effect of weather on activity and lying behaviour in clinically healthy grazing dairy cows during the transition period
SJ Hendriks, CVC Phyn, SA Turner, KR Mueller, B Kuhn-Sherlock, ...
Animal Production Science 60 (1), 148-153, 2019
Sampling behavior of dairy cattle: Effects of variation in dietary energy density on behavior at the feed bunk
JM Huzzey, JA Fregonesi, MAG von Keyserlingk, DM Weary
Journal of dairy science 96 (1), 247-256, 2013
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