Stetefeld, J
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Cited by
Dynamic light scattering: a practical guide and applications in biomedical sciences
J Stetefeld, SA McKenna, TR Patel
Biophysical reviews 8, 409-427, 2016
Coiled coils: a highly versatile protein folding motif
P Burkhard, J Stetefeld, SV Strelkov
Trends in cell biology 11 (2), 82-88, 2001
Crystal structure of a naturally occurring parallel right-handed coiled coil tetramer
J Stetefeld, M Jenny, T Schulthess, R Landwehr, J Engel, RA Kammerer
Nature structural biology 7 (9), 772-776, 2000
Proteolytic E‐cadherin activation followed by solution NMR and X‐ray crystallography
D Häussinger, T Ahrens, T Aberle, J Engel, J Stetefeld, S Grzesiek
The EMBO journal 23 (8), 1699-1708, 2004
The RNA helicase RHAU (DHX36) unwinds a G4-quadruplex in human telomerase RNA and promotes the formation of the P1 helix template boundary
EP Booy, M Meier, N Okun, SK Novakowski, S Xiong, J Stetefeld, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 40 (9), 4110-4124, 2012
Apoptin, a tumor-selective killer
M Los, S Panigrahi, I Rashedi, S Mandal, J Stetefeld, F Essmann, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research 1793 (8), 1335-1342, 2009
Crystal structure of three consecutive laminin-type epidermal growth factor-like (LE) modules of laminin gamma1 chain harboring the nidogen binding site.
J Stetefeld, U Mayer, R Timpl, R Huber
Journal of molecular biology 257 (3), 644, 1996
Structural and functional diversity generated by alternative mRNA splicing
J Stetefeld, MA Ruegg
Trends in biochemical sciences 30 (9), 515-521, 2005
Recessive and dominant mutations in COL12A1 cause a novel EDS/myopathy overlap syndrome in humans and mice
Y Zou, D Zwolanek, Y Izu, S Gandhy, G Schreiber, K Brockmann, ...
Human molecular genetics 23 (9), 2339-2352, 2014
Structural decoding of the Netrin-1/UNC5 interaction and its therapeutical implications in cancers
M Grandin, M Meier, JG Delcros, D Nikodemus, R Reuten, TR Patel, ...
Cancer cell 29 (2), 173-185, 2016
Nucleation and propagation of the collagen triple helix in single-chain and trimerized peptides: transition from third to first order kinetics
S Boudko, S Frank, RA Kammerer, J Stetefeld, T Schulthess, R Landwehr, ...
Journal of molecular biology 317 (3), 459-470, 2002
Tracking down the different forms of nuclear actin
BM Jockusch, CA Schoenenberger, J Stetefeld, U Aebi
Trends in cell biology 16 (8), 391-396, 2006
Substitutions in woolly mammoth hemoglobin confer biochemical properties adaptive for cold tolerance
KL Campbell, JEE Roberts, LN Watson, J Stetefeld, AM Sloan, ...
Nature genetics 42 (6), 536-540, 2010
Collagen stabilization at atomic level: crystal structure of designed (GlyProPro) 10foldon
J Stetefeld, S Frank, M Jenny, T Schulthess, RA Kammerer, S Boudko, ...
Structure 11 (3), 339-346, 2003
Site-directed mutagenesis and structural interpretation of the nidogen binding site of the laminin gamma1 chain.
E Pöschl, U Mayer, J Stetefeld, R Baumgartner, TA Holak, R Huber, ...
The EMBO journal 15 (19), 5154, 1996
Vimentin coil 1A—a molecular switch involved in the initiation of filament elongation
M Meier, GP Padilla, H Herrmann, T Wedig, M Hergt, TR Patel, J Stetefeld, ...
Journal of molecular biology 390 (2), 245-261, 2009
Human DDX21 binds and unwinds RNA guanine quadruplexes
EKS McRae, EP Booy, A Moya-Torres, P Ezzati, J Stetefeld, SA McKenna
Nucleic acids research 45 (11), 6656-6668, 2017
Structural decoding of netrin-4 reveals a regulatory function towards mature basement membranes
R Reuten, TR Patel, M McDougall, N Rama, D Nikodemus, B Gibert, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13515, 2016
The use of coiled-coil proteins in drug delivery systems
AA McFarlane, GL Orriss, J Stetefeld
European journal of pharmacology 625 (1-3), 101-107, 2009
Storage function of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein: the crystal structure of the coiled‐coil domain in complex with vitamin D3
S Özbek, J Engel, J Stetefeld
The EMBO journal, 2002
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Articles 1–20