Prof Jeffrey A. (Jeff) Cardille
Prof Jeffrey A. (Jeff) Cardille
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Effects of large-scale changes in land cover on the discharge of the Tocantins River, Southeastern Amazonia
MH Costa, A Botta, JA Cardille
Journal of hydrology 283 (1-4), 206-217, 2003
Environmental and social factors influencing wildfires in the Upper Midwest, United States
JA Cardille, SJ Ventura, MG Turner
Ecological applications 11 (1), 111-127, 2001
Agricultural land-use change in Brazilian Amazonia between 1980 and 1995: Evidence from integrated satellite and census data
JA Cardille, JA Foley
Remote Sensing of Environment 87 (4), 551-562, 2003
Mapping three decades of annual irrigation across the US High Plains Aquifer using Landsat and Google Earth Engine
JM Deines, AD Kendall, MA Crowley, J Rapp, JA Cardille, DW Hyndman
Remote Sensing of Environment 233, 111400, 2019
Small lakes dominate a random sample of regional lake characteristics
PC Hanson, SR Carpenter, JA Cardille, MT Coe, LA Winslow
Freshwater Biology 52 (5), 814-822, 2007
Applying circuit theory for corridor expansion and management at regional scales: tiling, pinch points, and omnidirectional connectivity
D Pelletier, M Clark, MG Anderson, B Rayfield, MA Wulder, JA Cardille
PLoS One 9 (1), e84135, 2014
Multipurpose habitat networks for short‐range and long‐range connectivity: a new method combining graph and circuit connectivity
B Rayfield, D Pelletier, M Dumitru, JA Cardille, A Gonzalez
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7 (2), 222-231, 2016
The NSERC Canadian Lake Pulse Network: A national assessment of lake health providing science for water management in a changing climate
Y Huot, CA Brown, G Potvin, D Antoniades, HM Baulch, BE Beisner, ...
Science of The Total Environment 695, 133668, 2019
Large‐scale geographic patterns of diversity and community structure of pelagic crustacean zooplankton in C anadian lakes
B Pinel‐Alloul, A André, P Legendre, JA Cardille, K Patalas, A Salki
Global Ecology and Biogeography 22 (7), 784-795, 2013
Monitoring Canada’s forests. Part 2: National forest fragmentation and pattern
MA Wulder, JC White, T Han, NC Coops, JA Cardille, T Holland, D Grills
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (6), 563-584, 2008
Occurrence of wildfire in the northern Great Lakes Region: effects of land cover and land ownership assessed at multiple scales
JA Cardille, SJ Ventura
International Journal of Wildland Fire 10 (2), 145-154, 2001
Strategies for incorporating high-resolution google earth databases to guide and validate classifications: Understanding deforestation in Borneo
A Dorais, J Cardille
Remote Sensing 3 (6), 1157-1176, 2011
Understanding landscape metrics
JA Cardille, MG Turner
Learning landscape ecology: A practical guide to concepts and techniques, 45-63, 2017
Carbon and water cycling in lake‐rich landscapes: Landscape connections, lake hydrology, and biogeochemistry
JA Cardille, SR Carpenter, MT Coe, JA Foley, PC Hanson, MG Turner, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 112 (G2), 2007
Protected areas in boreal Canada: a baseline and considerations for the continued development of a representative and effective reserve network
ME Andrew, MA Wulder, JA Cardille
Environmental Reviews 22 (2), 135-160, 2014
From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters: human signature nearly ubiquitous in representative US landscapes
JA Cardille, M Lambois
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8 (3), 130-134, 2010
Multi-sensor, multi-scale, Bayesian data synthesis for mapping within-year wildfire progression
MA Crowley, JA Cardille, JC White, MA Wulder
Remote sensing letters 10 (3), 302-311, 2019
METALAND: characterizing spatial patterns and statistical context of landscape metrics
J Cardille, M Turner, M Clayton, S Gergel, S Price
Bioscience 55 (11), 983-988, 2005
Multi-sensor detection of forest-cover change across 45 years in Mato Grosso, Brazil
JA Fortin, JA Cardille, E Perez
Remote Sensing of Environment 238, 111266, 2020
Remote sensing’s recent and future contributions to landscape ecology
MA Crowley, JA Cardille
Current Landscape Ecology Reports 5, 45-57, 2020
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Articles 1–20